Upon my return to the forums, I would like to create a new image for myself. This will be an identity of a well-respected community member. I will now identify as Zephyr 2.0, the new and improved Zephyr. I would like to talk more about theorization and philosophy, as I will be doing AO lore theories and answering FAQs about how magic works and stuff. I will be a historian and scientist, digging deep into the secret archives of history’s unknown secrets, and I hope to answer all of your questions.
If I’m in bell village, breaking the smith’s window, how much infamy does suncry have?
Who’s joe?
What time does AO take place? Before or after WoM?
AO takes place between Y1854-Y1857, this is one month after the fall of Durza, meaning, it is after AA, but before WoM.
70 times your guild troll
toxic… wtf bro
How am I supposed to get my chuckles if you act like a decent human being? Tf bro?
cotton eye joe
after. WoM takes place in the seventh/sixth sea while AO takes place in the war seas and we all know that 6/7 year olds aren’t old enough to go to war
Will we be able to switch between weapons and magic or are we gonna be forced down one path without being able to change?
That’s what I want to know.
Could you explain to me what Quantum Mechanics are?
ok 46 times yours
interesting, I’d like to see the theories you come up with