Revamped trading value list

old daggers aren’t worth sunkens at all shit trade :neutral_face:

thing is im pretty sure every weapon has better blocking power than a hard oath :skull:
meaning if you wanted a weapon to block with you would use a hard vast, hard club etc which directly ties into my next point

if someone wanted a weapon to block with they would likely use another weapon and even if they didnt want to use another weapon theres a good chance that they have a weapon with higher blocking power in their hotbar which they will block with automatically instead of the hard oath. Even with oaths looking cool i dont think anyone really wants a hard one just to block with.

very true. Thing is nobody looks for hard oaths either. I just feel like the name swift carries swift oaths into being more valuable. Hard is just generally associated with being useless unless it’s on armour or shields whilst swift atleast sounds like it does something. And ye for ripoffs swift is great because of exactly this ^

grrrr you strike a hard bargain, ok fine I’ll throw in FOUR whole FRESH bluefish, last offer :rage:

thanks a ton!! i had no idea about all this until now, hopefully ill be able to not be broke in ao

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thank you for strengthening this exact point


glad to have helped

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  • daggers def has under 23%
  • hard ss has 22%
  • hard club has 22%

reason why i think hard oaths are good is because its the weapon of exile. many people want it, and honestly, woj looks cringe. i use hard oaths fairy regularly because they look cool

must just be me then

i look at swift and think it is horrible. on all weapons. maybe because i value hard higher
ONLY thing that is swift that i dont puke at is a ss

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People use it/like it for raging storm not just for the model plus speaking truthfully I’ve seen no one else other than you prefer hard over swift on oaths, even people in-game I’ve seen would much rather have swift over hard

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im australian what can i say

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mental disabilities must be tough :smiling_face:

I will never stop making fun of you for being australian :innocent:

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wait what, fr? shit my bad then. Oath has somewhat decent blocking power then ig.

ye but thats 90% of the time because of raging storm, not oath’s design.

honestly if anyone could tell it would be you. I dont pvp anymore so idk if people actually use hard oaths for blocking now. But when i used to pvp they didnt so thats mostly what im basing it off from.

ye this is because you know of how useless swift is, most people dont tho which is why they think swift actually does something. Furthermore a lot of players dont even block to begin with making hard even more useless for them

yeah youre right, i just like the funny stab sword

woj and vasts are still much better. i just use a hard oath if im farming for a shield and i get an oath instead, and enchant it to hard
i also care alot about how i look if that hasnt been made clear already. i dont use a heavy woj because its good, i use one if it looks good with my char. oaths and vasts look really good by themselves with a cape, so i use them frequently

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Ty :pray:

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idont get it

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You dont need to, just say no problem :hugs:

old dagger

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i saw your inv a couple days ago


also here’s all my daggers if you’re interested in buying

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I always at least have a hard cultural shield if no woj but sometimes I will put a hard oath/vast (usually vast if i have one because 30% instead of 23%) just in case the shield breaks

imagine. People use hard vast

just to spite you ill use a hard oath instead of a hard vast