Reviewing bad arcane odyssey guides, courtesy of twitter

let’s laugh at these journalists

  1. that 's the fucking prove yourself quest

  2. skill issue

  3. half this shit is wrong

so its time to tear it into smithereens

I think it’s the sink a fortified ship quest at sailor’s lodge

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im like 50% sure this shit is ai generated

at least an underpaid intern isn’t being forced to write this abomination of an article

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I was reading through one on the best builds
Best magic build? Mage
Best Fs build? Beserker
Best Vit build? Warden

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yes it is

( the article mentions absolutely nothing about that )

( it says its in the fucking tutorial area? they’re talking about preparing for the journey. even says some bullshit about “4 trainers”. either this is ai generated or the intern has never played arcane odyssey… or has severe skill issue )

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See where this is going?

Best weapon build


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An AI probably wrote it, filled with all the buzzwordss to get the most clicks

next article, this one fucking sucked.

ok so our next article is


Didn’t even proofread it

Nothing in the article is in the game

Bruh that link told me my apple device was infected with 19 viruses

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“Criminal players refers to any player character with a negative reputation, known as ‘ounty’.“

ok this one is miles better.

it details the fact you might be chased as a criminal, and lies out that there’s only 4 shipwrights you can actually access.

and also that you can’t get cargo, only steal it.

very good, actual fucking research.

the bare fucking minimum

anyway, the ketch is hella expensive.

no ways to make money are detailed… but then again, that’s a bit much to ask for.

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Yeah and it also redirects me to a scam website

The site itself sucks, since you get redirected 14 times to scam sites

insert joke about call centers and india here

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huh. guess its a good thing i’m using brave and have adblocker turned on at all times then.

They probably have my full name and address from reading the Article