Revolver agz upload

to this day i still dont know what a slender is or why people hate them

Slenders are common asf, just search “roblox tiktok” and i GAURUNTEE the first thing you will see is a slender. essentially they are the people that have r15 characters, a FUCK ton of unnecessary ugc (usually like blonde hair, elf ears, halos, a fuck ton of other stuff), “gucchi” or miscellanous “hypebeast type clothing”, and also they are usually between the range of 9-12 years old
an example:

and this is a more tame example usually it is way more over the top than it needs to be

essentially, they are the modern flower crown/ panda mask wearer

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oh so its just the roblox community bullying kids for liking a certain look for their characters

id pretend to be surprised but im really not, roblox’s community cares way too much about meaningless things

Not quite. People that look this way are often rude and obnoxious to other players and act like they own the place. Double points if they own a boombox gamepass and blast the worst song you’ve ever heard in your fucking life

But I do see your point, not every slender acts like that

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i mean i’d say there are more slenders than people who hate them, the majority of slenders are people who play adopt me and make roblox tiktoks (i have like 6 people in my family who play roblox and look EXACTLY like they key definition, and of course they all play royale high/ adopt me and make tiktok) so hate is rather expected alongside their tendancy to use “cringe” subtropes like chatting “.” and putting a “-” at the end of every sentence for no reason

Though i give them a pass because this hideous thing used to be my outfit in like 2018

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aaaaaaaaaaaanyways, back on topic-

I know that not everyone will like AO but to say it lacks quality just blows my mind, like holy…


We’ll just have to let the playercount speak for itself in january

I wonder what quality they were even referring too, the game looks polished, visuals are sexy, gameplay and systems have depth, so what “quality” are they talking about :thinking:

yeah i think thats a stupid thing to say especially when vetex goes out of his way to fix small bugs 99% of players would never notice

especially when this is coming from people who play anime games, which tend to be buggy messes

I use 2.0

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Unlike ar devs who go out of their way to not fix gamebreaking bugs that everyone notices

Dont forget the anime communtity are kids below 11 the ones olfer then that dont even mind to judge a game in a comment section

I’ve always hated these kinds of thumbnails lol :skull:


The comments are so goofy :skull:

the rant bin where i defend ao with my life

tl;dr i counteract people’s points with things that are either “you should know this” or things that are (probably) not listed on any vids / pics.

1: “a deepwoken copy” “not one piece” “dw if it was a pirate game”
people really saying that anything which looks even remotely similar to deepwoken or ebg without 20 references to anime plastered all over it is immediately a deepwoken copy.

2: “exactly like world of magic” “nothing changed besides the map”
bro??? the land gameplay’s gonna be 100% different if you don’t spec 100% into magic since fighting styles and weapons actually have new methods of attack (not like the simple and boring stuff wom has), and i didn’t even touch sea gameplay yet. also just a different map??? bro???

3: “r6 anims” “bad anim quality”
just because a game does not have one of the more minor anim details fleshed out into oblivion does not mean its immediately bad. also i don’t see how you can make 15 bone rig anims more detailed than that. if you mean common anims though like running then i kind of agree with it.

4: “20 cc players after 2 weeks” “gpo better”
oh, if only he knew…
also for the 2nd part, nice bandit beater “grind until you can one combo kill everything with an op fruit” with graphic sprinkling game bro :+1:

also handpicked a few of my own

5: “stupid button mashing” “spam aoe to win”
some things require good timing, aim, and whatever other mechanics they’re tied to so they can work, and they are usually the ones which can actually deal damage without cursing you with terribly long startup / endlag. dodging (a “”“skill”“” you can use) and blocking + pblocking exists to also counteract possible button mashing attacks and other obvious purposes.

6: “no reason to m1”
if you want an equivalent to m1 then a single blast is basically that. theres also ranged weapons with an actual ranged m1 and fighting styles might have a ranged m1-ish skill like magic???. if you mean melee m1s having a purpose though, then :grimacing:

some of the others i won’t argue with since it looks like they are asking questions unanswerable without ao access (e.g. game balance), is stuff that nobody should seriously try to dig into (e.g. “inf combos” countered by global grab cds), or is terribly common questions for games just in general (e.g. performance).

how about we just let them have their opinions
and let those opinions possibly change when they actually play the game?
its not hard

In my opinion their “opinions” are shit though :pray:

let them have their opinions
its not really our business anyway

Who Tf says those are r6 animations???

I’m 100% sure even WoM characters are like 15 individual parts on the rig

I know this because of the rag doll death you have

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Facts bro when they play the game they will change or not dont matter just remember that u are going to enjoy the game there is a chance bro is going to kill you in game and you wish he never played it :skull:

He’s one of the few big YouTubers that are genuinely excited for AO and covers it a lot, I know he said he’s not a fan of the combat but other that I hope he enjoys the game and does a lotta content on it when it comes out

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