Revon Ranking contest

To all the artist who are bored and want to do something. Draw him and the judges,(just me), will rank your Revon design based on his drip. Idk bro I’m bored. Let’s see how chaotic this will get.


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Highly accurate to his personality, but design can be off and his hair ain’t blond bro.

Rank: RevonAsAPatheeticWussyInGeneral

Here’s the Revon Art I never finished

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Guh, that looks beautiful tbh, the hair looks pretty good, but you forgot his crown. :pensive:


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Too lazy to make new art so uhhhhh

here’s the new year design i made for revon

Naw bro.

Who the heck gave Revon that goofy haircut?? I can’t look at this properly bro. Like what. You didn’t even get his hair color right too. His barber failed him. :skull:

Rank: Revonreallyneedsanewbarberbro

… I can’t complain this much since I’m no Roblox modeler, but this certainly a what if situation if Arcane Odyssey was made in the 2000s or Roblox.

Rank: NostalgiclookinRevon

Revon when he follows in Julian’s footsteps

like I said, unfinished lol