Rework Of Sub Stat Formulas

Rework Of Sub Stat Formulas
effort 4.5 2 quality 4.0 2 reasonability 2.75 4

Linear formulas arent going to happen but u can talk to @metapoly about it

Ping meta in balance cord and like show em the post

i can do that? do i just send link?



No, the proposed change by OP is for attack speed/attack size to additively increase the affinity, which as I explained would create issues with frame data reduction through turning the attack speed substat and speed affinities into one speed source

There’s no headache regarding substat balancing, the only issue is that implementing new formulae takes a lot of time, so we’ve had to bandaid nerf the efficiencies to prevent high invest from being broken, which also hurts low invest for no reason (which is why we want diminishing returns for percentage-reduction stats like resistance and attack speed). There’s also a bug with the size formula which will hopefully be fixed this update

This would create the issue with low/vs high affinities but in reverse, where substats would be MUCH better when used with high respective affinities, and much worse when used with low respective affinities

not if it is the first one. if they both increase by one then a slower magic would become faster and a fast magic could choose to be even faster or bigger, or maybe stronger.

basically being able to make up for what they lack. it works the same way power does on metal. metal could invest in size or speed but they choose power which they are already good at

Power isn’t a substat

im trying for the others to be like power

Power doesn’t add to the damage affinity

no but 1 power is pretty much 1 damage

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