Reworking arcanium ship parts(reworked)

Reworking arcanium ship parts(reworked)
effort 3.0 3 quality 2.666666666666667 3 reasonability 3.333333333333333 3

you know something ive seen with arcanium ship parts is that only the heat based cannons give ship status effects and most of the magics that give non damaging status effects haave no change basically so i have an idea that will change that i will explain some changes that i personally would do to change arcanium ship parts

icecannons/ram-frozen status effect:upon collision the enemy ship gets a 13% speed debuff for 3 seconds:

water cannons/rams: the flooded status effect:enemy ship starts to have rough waters for under it for affew seconds dealing 500 extra damage while damaging your ship if you get to close( only if they are completely still cause the damage would have to be based on the speed of the ship and how fast they can get out)

wind rams/cannons/:tempestuous ship effect:when a ship is afflicted with this effect the sails on that ship effectivly get shredded making overall ship speed to decrease by 5% for 1 second

lightning cannons/rams:immobilized status effect:the enemy ship gets immobilized by the combination of lightning from the cannonballs and the sea water around the enemy ship giving an paralyze effect that completely stops the ship for 0.9 seconds and dealing 100 extra damage(i forgot if lightning had a status effect that did some to ships but this kinda feels like a better rework

*metal rams/cannons:gains the ability to synergize with other arcanium ship parts better with the Fractured status effect

i am gonna make part 2 later

I know Arcanium parts need a rework but this is just unbalanced. Maybe Water cannons could cause a ship to act like it’s in a rough sea patch, or Metal cannons simply do more damage?





I like the rework idea but the abilities u made are kinda … ehhh…

i mean what can i do not like it would ACTUALLY be put into the game plus its more creative than just making the ship soaked or have the regular statuses

Where is the arcanium mortar at

oh that does exist? ig if i get it im gonna put it in part 2 or some

ig it would be the same for mortar wit the status effects

I agree that reworking them would be cool but your ideas are kinda eh.
Immobilizing for lighting cannons doesn’t make sense. Ship are made from wood not flesh. Just applying fire would suit but if you want to give it some gimmick so much make them create chain lightning on hit that attacks up to 4 crew members/players on ship with 20% chance to stop after each bounce with 100% chance after 4 bounces. Metal could shred through the ship until repairing making it gain flooding effect when sailing so boat will be getting slowed when moving from 1% up to 10%. Other ideas suit but still need to be expanded imo. You should think more about this effects and remember that we talk about ships not characters

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i feel u

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