RFAO Split: Item Modifiers

I wonder what exactly would be the difference between sunken items and the drowned mod

whispering caverns meta when

Minimaxing just got harder lol

Also is drowned the same thing as sunken?

it’d be nice if there was a way to influence what island your chart is pointing at though. seems like it’ll be a pain to get certain modifiers compared to others.

like, archaic, superheated and crystalline are gonna be real common because that describes at least half the islands.

Wealth, fame, power…Vetex, the developer of the game, had finally finished a new patch. The words he uttered in the Trello drove countless souls to the seas. “Item modifiers? If you want it, you can have it! I left every one the world has to offer in treasure charts!” Men now set sail for the Bronze Sea, in pursuit of their dream armor. The world has truly entered a Great Treasure Chart Era!


Weird that Blasted modifier is on Akursius Keep only and not found on Blasted Rock itself…


even vetex forgets that blasted rock exists


very true. that tornado 100% isn’t natural even if we don’t know what caused it (which I’m pretty sure we do?)

Whatever it was, there’s a reason why that place is even called Blasted Rock, and it got ignored, lmao

I am not sure if, outside of arcspheres/amulets, any of this will be particularly useful. I mean we’ll have to see the stats, but since boss gear & rare gear (I.E. Sunkens) outclass most regular gear, the best I can see these unique modifiers doing is bringing things like steel armor or sorcerer sets up to par.


Up to par is better than nothing. Like, there’s no Defense + Agility armor. With these modifiers, maybe you’ll be able to get a Steel piece that can do that. More options means more build variety, even if it doesn’t seem particularly impactful at first.

Like, look at some of the Uncommon pieces. Elite Knight Pauldrons. It gives Attack Size + Intensity at a pretty standard rate. Add a third stat to that via modifier and suddenly it’s on par with the boss accessories, if not better.

Can’t wait for pvpers to have perfect Drowned agile perfect gems coppershrooms sunkens sets.

But how would it compare to Atlantean Calvus with an attack speed gem to get +24 agility? wait, messed up that specific example, though my point is atlantean already gives any stat to any boss item
Getting specific desirable modifiers on the tiny handful of treasure chart equipment that isn’t psuedo-cosmetic is an extremely slow grind that you’re only going to be able to do in the postgame, and at that point you might as well kill 50 atlanteans.

I figure if these modifiers are large enough to make steel armour viable, they’re going to take the stuff that’s already kinda viable (like arcspheres and fair amulets) and make it busted.
Also if I’m understanding right, it should theoretically be possible to get Drowned Sunken armour, so it’s not like these modifiers are exclusive to non-viable gear.

Atlantean modifier is supposed to be balanced out by how you need to run Warding to support it, which means less efficient enchantments. Whether or not it actually works like that in practice isn’t the point.

We don’t even know what the modifiers do. It could be a trade-off. It could be a secondary effect like Jewels. We just have to wait and see.

Plus, you can use them in the Dark Sea. Atlantean builds can’t do that. So it’ll be better for PVE players at least.

Probably was destroyed by something other than an explosion

Yeah, I assume that the “blasted” means sand blasted


wait, i thought it was “blasted” as in “i’m not going back to work at that blasted mcdonalds”

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Your character is just really annoyed at that one specific rock for no real reason


We can give a hint about it:

Cold asf.

These are neat, but how are they going to be different from the Atlantean modifier other than not giving Insanity? What reason would I have to switch to one of them?