RFAO Split: Tobi's Next W

Continued from RFAO3

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We need ladder structure

Twenty structures? @Tobi how long have you been cooking for?

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It’s great to see Tobi is still at work for this game.

I thought it was ins again when i saw the notification on desktop lol

Okay, if trying to think about these structures, I guess there may be a port. Some of islands have shores, it can be built there. Ofc there will be pre-set ship spawn, I hope only one

This will give dark sea island way more variety, currently there’s only 2 type of structures that spawn and it’s getting stale

Theres more of them. A small platform with chests in a circle and one possible atlantean spawn in the middle, a small room without a ceiling, some chests and possible atlantean spawn in a corner, and big building with 3 floors, where first floor has nothing but an atlantean spawn

Big building with 3 floors and a room without a roof is pretty much the same structure really, one just has more floors

Am I the only one noticed atlantean equipped with bow’s AI can make them TO CLIMB on the wall of their building from INSIDE of it, and stay there to shoot at me before jumping off and start using other weapons?

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It repeated this every time it gets into its building back, thats not a single time happened. Also, only wielding a bow makes it to have this behavior, no magic-using atlanteans did it

A decent bit, a good portion of the structures were taken from DS islands I made that won’t get added, and an even larger group of structures that were too detailed and were either simplified or scrapped. Started working on those DS islands back in May, and started making structures with those assets in August.

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