Rhythm Games

You’re getting to the point where you can get injuries if you don’t do… anything correctly (in the game).

Try warming up with an easy map or a really short map. You shouldn’t feel any burning sensation in your forearm at all (especially if it’s tense). Also if you do feel pain in your arm early in a session, quit the song immediately. As you get better you’ll only be able to play after warming up, it’s just the reality of a game like this.

If you warm up and control the natural tensing of your body you’ll get more stamina. Also just play more but that’s too obvious.

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yeah i think i underestimated how important warming up is
as an idea of how bad it is, at around mid 20 diff range i went from
10 minute max song length > 3 minute max song length
its bad, real bad.

Long maps (4+ minutes, 6 or 10 is ““close”” to a marathon) sort of become their own skillset and are only really for people who are comfortable with a difficulty (can do maps of a slightly higher difficulty). I wouldn’t suggest playing them, but I’d love to see someone learn stamina by playing those types of maps (I didnt).

Hello rb1

I possess interest in proof of this rhythm game you are working on

Not gonna let this topic rot again, hope people don’t mind me bumping this (ive seen worse)

Hopped off my chordjack addiction and hopped on the jumpstream training arc, even downloaded some loved jumpstream map packs (avoided them before because anime)

Too tired to have any comments outside of the obligatory description yap

Also the guy I was replying too had their messages deleted, so they probably were rb1. I look a bit schizophrenic but oh well, maybe that was his plan all along?