I play rhythm games. i hope these links embed properly
This game is osu!'s mania gamemode. There are four buttons and you press them when the notes hit the judgement line (the circles).
Probably one of my better scores, but it’s still tainted by one random miss (i am not consistent). I think my skill level is around 4.5*… it’s enough to impress random people but not much more.
(the recording is a lil off idk what to do about it, map is also on 90% speed)
Game is Rhythia, a remake of Sound Space on Roblox.
You move your cursor over the squares when they come close.
I’m not consistent in this game either, basically all my scores have 30+ misses so they all look kinda bad.
This game has no right to be so fun, though maybe it’s just a phase like when I got top 12k in osu! catch and stopped for whatever reason (both of these games are really obscure so you can easily get high ranks).
The maps for Rhythia are in a random discord channel in their official server. Just use ctrl + f to find this map. Hell, you know the game is obscure when you have to download it from a github repository linked in a discord server. And most maps only have 5-10 likes at most.
I’ll probably schizo post more random scores in this thread. Maybe it’ll make me improve faster.
ngl i only didnt try standard because i didnt want to deal with mouse vs pen thing (Didnt want to deal with one choice being less optimal than the other in the endgame like when i made spacebar my jump button in Celeste)
The game looks pretty cool with a funny looking endgame (doing 10 button streams for a single input) but the issue is that i dont have the money (I dont like spending money)
nah mouse is super viable. you just gotta learn the control for it. 3 in the top 12 use mouse, it’s just something you have to feel out to be rly comfortable
tablet is super better bc no drift but comes with a lot more maintenance and cost
This looks very legit and likely has no issues as a browser game
(If i wanted to try the game so badly then id rather just pirate the game (though i dont like pirating games fr))
These seem contradictory, but i also have seen people with questionable playstyles get really good (index only for taiko or some dude who used two handed butterfly tap for vibro) so its probably fine
Also yeah i can understand the drift issues, its why im fine with using mouse for Rhythia since it has a comparatively small play area with hard borders + mouse players are most common so i can feel comfortable without spending hundreds of dollars on a free game (its not really free if u gotta drop a lotta money on the hardware)
Not gonna lie I dont know if im gonna stick with osu for long
Im getting lag spikes in mania… this game has no reason to be so difficult to run for my poor laptop but for whatever reason it is. and im not a huge fan of random lag spikes that ruin my acc and fc…
Since I haven’t posted here in a while, I will try to make up for it by posting 5 clips. I’ve improved a fair bit since like… a week or two ago.
Made my own color scheme and I think it helps with sightreading. I use these settings for regular gameplay; the cursor and background and colors schemes and allat.
For the rest of these I decided to alter the skin settings for Entertainment (I dont actually play with them)
Realized that the “alternate replay angle” setting actually gives you freecam about 40 seconds in. Fiddled around with it, but it’s hard to control since I cranked up my mouse sensitivity for this game (1.6k dpi with 0.6 ingame sens, for reference it’s around or more than 3x faster than my roblox sens and when i let my sibling have a crack at this game they showed visible tremors)
Hehe funny custom bg and cursor moment
Still havent figured out why all the clips are in the top left of the recording
This rhythm game has me absolutely joyous and enamoured, its like mania but im not pushing my physical limit so its more casual. Though the song selection is really small because the community is really small and its still mostly anime songs/songs above my skill level/extreme underground music genres
And about mania, i realized i can do 21-22 kps jackhammer maps (around 4.7 star) so thats pretty cool. I will never skip Jack Day again
Am I allowed to necro my own topic? Well I’ve seen worse, and I got 8+ clips.
I didn’t forget about this thread, just didn’t feel like playing rhythm games for a bit or posting anything. But I did improve… a lot.
First of all, I learned how to download OBS and not use xbox game bar. Rhythia replays should actually look normal now and the video quality should be a bit better, if at least customizable.
About the clip: I think I got over some sort of learning cliff, as I felt like I was tapering off a few months ago. But I learned that Discord is causing 20% cpu lag spikes which was preventing me from getting FC’s or high acc in osu. So yeah, now I can easily acc what I like to call “density chordjacks”, or chordjacks that focus on high nps and more notes rather than a lot of minijacks with less milliseconds between notes.
Is there a limit to how long a reply can be? I’ll figure it out sooner or later. Anyways here’s the rest of my chordjack clips because I heard that jack mains are brainrot or something (its a pretty easy skillset to get into if you clim the vsrg skill ladder with osu):
I think the star rating system values notes per second too much. These maps are really easy to sightread and get high accuracy on, and the difficulty system overrates them 'cause of that. Like seriously, the sendan life clip is rated 6.49* at 1x speed (5.4* at 0.8x speed… thats like pp farm levels of inflation). That’s crazily high for how comfortable the map is for most of it’s duration. I can barely do 4.8* jumpstreams and even lower for tech/streams/what dans consider to be “speed maps”.
In Arcane Odyssey terms, it’s like calling a 300+ size warrior good at the game and hard to beat. If you practice a bit and learn how to parry, then they become a pushover. (I felt a blood vessel in my brain pop while writing this)
This map is deceptively hard. Excerpt from the description yap (i put this in all of my clips):
The jumpstream part has the same nps as the drop which is really brutal cause it’s harder to sightread and it and consumes more stamina. This map forced me to learn how to tap with finger stamina on the chordjacks instead of tensing my full forearm. This technique effectively makes you “gain” stamina during the high nps section to retain acc on the low nps section.
i type a bit differently outside the forums… infact i type however i feel like typing
Also before I leave the chordjack part I wanna mention that I am now top 33k on osu!mania. Not very impressive because pp farming exists, but it’s a more tangible representation of how good I am to someone who is clueless about the game. I still think that clips are better at representing skill though. I pp farmed a bit, which notably included a 7* frenchcore bootleg chordjack map with half-time. The map is basically 1 minute of glorified waiting and 30 seconds of comfortable chordjack. Literal brainrot for 312 pp without trying.
(you can tell that i play rate changes and graveyarded maps cause 220 million ranked score to 994 million total score LOL)
A few months ago I made a goal for myself which was to beat this map’s lowest difficulty at 1x speed. Just get an “honorable clear”, that’s all. (honorable clears to me are clears that didnt feel absolutely terrible to play, so like no playing sloppy. it makes more sense in rhythia)
Came back to this map after 3 months or something and I went from being overwhelemed to chilling. The one handed trills are really rude and I sadly had to manip them (play the pattern like a jack); a clear example of pattern placement and bursts of stamina being harder than pure nps.
This map has a comparatively low nps but I find it to be pretty hard just cause it’s 3 or so minutes straight of dense jumpstreams with very little breaks. It becomes exahusting on my mind to sightread it for so long and I drop acc near the end (i think this has a 3 miss choke).
This map was a stamina pick for I believe 10th dan? but it feels a bit more technical than your average jumpstream map because of the rolls and the grace-into-double at the extratone parts. It has a break though (average 2 drop pop song but at least it doesnt have a third extended drop…)
also the map is blocked in russia, which is a bit funny but also not much i can do about it
This one isn’t a clear, but I mapped this myself! Normally I’m not fine with autoplay clips because you’re basically removing half of the “transformativeness” of a video (the mapping and your gameplay transform the song). However I mapped this myself so I think it’s fine. For some reason the map went from 5.4* to 6.something star after I mapped the second half of the second drop. No way I’m beating this in the next year, but I hope to prove myself otherwise.
Anyways onto rhythia…
Looks a bit different 'cause I refined my skin and am using an actual recording software.
These were recorded a month ago and I haven’t played the game much since. Look, both games are REALLY hard imo. They’re both extremely purist rhythm games with one premise that they take extremely far. osu!mania is easily the most popular VSRG and it’s purist “hit the button when the mapper commands you so”, very kaizo if you think about it. Rhythia is very obscure and is purist cursor movement. Kinda funny how I got into both of them.
Continuing the rant with a line break for readibility and attention span: It basically has around 5 or 6 active, dedicated, and consistently good mappers. Rhythia, being a purist cursor movement rhythm game, ends up becoming really fast at higher levels so the songs it naturally demands are really high bpm extratone tracks. Well, it probably doesnt require them but the community basically makes extratone/dariacore/whatever underground genres most of the time (and less underground genres found in mainstream east asian rhythm games). Idk, just felt like commenting on the genres I see. Like where else do you naturally find “The Lost Temple (10 years edit)” or “m1dy - Kamikaze” being mapped unironically in a rhythm game? There’s already way slower genres that would scare rhythm game players shitless. Looking forward to beating these maps in the next 3 years!
Hell, the extratone remix of Mika - Take It Easy I found from Rhythia (it was an earworm and i have very little emotions relating to the song).
Anyways I think that’s enough yap (As the low attention span kids call it). I don’t expect anyone to understand what the hell I’m talking about, but it’s for an audience of one (Reference to something i might talk about in the future). I hope your brain generates positive emotion chemicals from gaining insight into a fragment of someone else’s lives.
I’ll try not to forget about this topic again. Also feel free to post your own rhythm game clips.
about a 3.9 star map in o!m standards
really annoying play
it feels so bad but its the best i’ve been able to get in a long time
i stopped playing for about 1-2 years in 2022 or so, which caused my stamina and reading ability to vanish
i dunno what to do anymore honestly, i’m super demotivated to play rhythm games but i wanna get back into them
Watched your clip a few times and I’ll give some advice 'cause I can.
First thing I noticed after the first run through is that your acc is a bit low. I double checked Quaver’s accuracy calculations with osu’s (scorev2) and they’re basically the same (quaver is slightly more lenient but it’s negligible). My acc was around that level when I was playing maps that difficulty, but you dropped to an A rank fairly early on which is a bit concerning.
I don’t know how to sort these, so I’ll just put these in bullet points:
You shouldn’t be going below 96% accuracy (not a random number, comes from dans), if you are then you should play easier maps. I would soon push that number to 97%.
Try to focus on hitting exactly on time and really feeling the beat (way easier on chordjack maps), offset is pretty important so maybe read below. You should always shoot for perfect accuracy, though this will come naturally with time so don’t worry (interestingly enough, bad accuracy is worse than missing on quaver). (Play on easier maps to practice acc if you need to, otherwise the predrops of ranked maps should be enough)
If you want to induce a healthy amount of insecurity to increase accuracy, then rewatch your own plays and the plays of top players so you become naturally nitpicky of any mistakes you make.
thing about making audio offset perfect
First make sure that your audio offset is perfect. Then, if you can do this in Quaver, check the map in editor and make sure that the notes align with the waveform graph if it’s there. If not, try and figure out the offset and change the map’s offset (the individual offset).
I see that you maintained 97% acc at the beginning, that’s fine for your level, but then you dropped down to 94% (notably on a two-handed trill) and couldn’t maintain it. Seems like the map is just too hard for you, so probably drop the speed mod since even 10% is significant.
You shouldn’t be losing major amounts of accuracy from running out of stamina in the middle of a map. (In fact, stamina becomes extremely critical soon after your skill level)
I know most of this sounds like “play easier maps and practice acc” but it’s also to help you know how much easier of a map you should play and how to push your skill level. (Also playing chordjack is an easy way to encourage yourself to get better acc, but you might go down the rabbit hole)
One of my favorite maps. It’s rated 4.27*, which is probably above your skill level, especially because it’s a pure rice map, but it should train the skillsets that you seem to be lacking in. I suggest playing that map on slower speed, but do whatever is comfortable (and has <97% acc).
thanks for the tips, especially the acc stuff.
its always been an issue and i haven’t figured out how to tackle it so i’ll try this, previously i just made the timing windows stricter. i never really cared too much because my standards were lower back then.
as for the map being harder than what i should be playing, one thing to note is that this was one of the first few maps that i played after trying to get back into rhythm games, so i tried something i thought i could do relatively easy (which didn’t end up being the case.)
Generally i’ve been staying around 18-20 diff range (low 3 star for o!m standards)
personally i think my biggest issue atm is stamina, which is generally horrible right now to a point i didn’t think was possible
again thanks, ill try the maps later if i dont forget (i would have to reinstall o!m and remember my details lol)