Rivals are so obnoxiously over-leveled and over-powered

what the fuck is the point of your argument if you agree with op

I manage to keep my rival weak by only hunting him in the bronze sea because he won’t level up further. I try my best to not kill my rival in the Nimbus sea because if I do, he will level up and get stronger, plus he have a gun.

Get a berserker rival
I have a guy with boxing and cannon fist and everytime I fight him its like if ultrakill and an aim trainer had a baby

My point is

Can you even control something like that tho how does NPC leveling work anyway

ok so basically every time you beat them to death they level up with a level cap each sea and if you only beat them up in the bronze sea they won’t level pass the bronze sea cap

anyways im gonna be real I enjoy fighting my rivals (wood-wind paladin/mage and a crystal shadow savant) but im a masochist so like I can see why it sucks for others

you shouldnt be locked to fighting your rival in the previous sea just to avoid your rival becoming obnoxiously powerful
its a way to avoid it but to me it doesnt matter because i just see it as a poor design choice to allow them to be that high level so early on (120 level difference is insane)
they should be hard but being basically in the Vimir Sea already is absurd

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Blue this may be singularly the most stupid and poorly thought out point you’ve ever made in the forums, stop.

Telling people “nooo don’t hunt rivals in nimbus because it makes it unfun but its also definitely 100% your fault for doing it” is NOT the way to go.


Vetex be like: “I dunno, they’re pretty balanced for me and my 1k damage Cataclysm magic. Must be a skill issue for you guys.”


i have one of the easiest possible rivals (a warrior that uses slow, heavy weapons and no guns), and even then their hp and damage is so bloated i dont know how it would be possible to beat them if they had piercing shot for instance


But thats not a fucking argumentative point you dumb fucking bastard

What you’re doing is trying to argue with a man because they don’t like dying to level 200 NPCs and then giving him garbage advice, which according to other people, DOESNT EVEN FUCKING WORK

How does “Don’t overlevel them” even fucking help the dudes’ issues? It’s like me telling a stabbing victim that they “should have been more aware of their surroundings” Well no shit sherlock but how does that help me in the slightest other than stating what I already know

hindsight 20/20 but even then you’re completely fucking blind because no sane individual would ignore another half of the fucking game and just stay in the bronze sea just so their rival is enjoyable to fight you GOD DAMN NEANDERTHAL

Also it seems you neglected the fact that other people can fight your rivals too. So your advice was already dead before it hit the ground

I’m pretty sure rivals only level up when you yourself beat them (regular crims level up when anyone beats them to death tho). I never noticed other peoples rivals leveling from me and I’ve pved to 1.25m renown twice.

isn’t there like a pve renown gate

memories from an actual year ago may be shaky at best

most renown gain is prevented pass 100k (with a with niche cases) outside of bountyhunting npcs but nothing stops you from hunting npcs to the leaderboard

Damn forums really are toxic
Anyways, love gel is a b’tch in such situations

me, with a rival that has a straight up impossible build (glass-plasma thermo-boxing warlock)

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