Project: The Forum's Nemesis

Based on this post from [Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities] by @DubiousLittleTyp0 (Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities - #6525 by DubiousLittleTyp0), I was wondering if this would, in fact, be a fun forum project. I was thinking there’d be three stages:

  1. Submission phase. People get to submit their rivals in a post, which lasts for 1 week.
  2. Voting phase. Using the submissions, a poll in a separate post is created where people can vote for their favorite rivals. Tiebreakers will be held if necessary.
  3. Distribution phase. Once the rival is picked, the owner of the rival will give it to another player, and those two players can give it to more forumers, and so on. Eventually, this NPC will be spread across a multitude of files.
  4. Once we have enough people with this rival, I might make a post showing screenshots of people having the NPC as their rival

If you want to participate, please vote in this poll. I’ll set phase 1 up after 10 or 15 votes

  • I’m interested
0 voters

im gonna boyle everyone

1 Like

im interested but don’t have a rival

you don’t need to have one, a rival is just for the submission process

Someone go find a rival named Bingleton :fr:

We do need the stupidest looking/named rival. Also probably not a difficult one to kill, since I have a file with a rival that has over 3k health and is not enjoyable to fight.

i wanna boyle all over the forums

yes why not

You just made Durza

I can make a new movie script with this one :eyes: :fire:

This might be a stupid question, but how do you give someone your rival? What does that mean?

Is it possible to get a copy of someone else’s rival as yours by killing them 3 times?

Yea, happened to my rival Gill a few days ago

yall gonna have fun with a crystal + poison + iron leg savant that gears into power

We have to make sure they don’t get executed though.

We’re only going to use existing rivals as candidates for this
Also 24 votes, wow
I’ll set up the submissions

the forums will only know boyle

The poor rival chasing down a rookie conjurer with several forum members in-game:

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