Roadmap/Patch Notes Topic I Guess

I just wanna yap about things in coming updates I’m excited about and other various things I guess. Feel free to just skip everything i say here cause it’s a lot of yapping, and maybe share whatever you want i guess. i don’t care do what you like

everything here is pulled from the Trello’s “Next Update Info / General Roadmap” section.

General Roadmap

this roadmap seems to just cover content that’ll be slowly included in updates alongside the main story and whatnot.




naturally kind of psyched for this because imo, the wizard guy Enizor or whatever is kinda meh. 100 Durability and 5% Stability are rather low, and Magic Storage is useless if you’re not using Arcanium (which I don’t), meaning a new Quartermaster/upgraded current Quartermaster could make a decent replacement.


as a Fighting Style lover and a Fighting Savant with Boxing as basically a placeholder, I’m, of course, excited for this, enough said.


excited for this for one (two technically) reason(s), being her magics. She uses both Lunar Magic and Storm Magic, both of which I’ve considered using, and i’d like to see how they work, yk.


glad to see WoM mechanics make a slight, technical return.


while i don’t care much for this, it’s still kinda cool to see, i know a lot of people will appreciate this


I’m excited for this, not because there’s new locations, but because it means that, hopefully, Juraserva will be coming alongside or soon after they will be. idk when it’ll be added (probably a couple updates after, or included with Full Release), but when it does you can assure i’m most likely joining it.


I’m assuming this’ll be added as low priority given it’s at the very bottom of the list, but it’s still fun to theorycraft what exactly it’ll be.


assuming the majority of this still stands true, i’d probably pick Chef. no reason in particular i just like cooking. i feel like Fishmonger would possibly be like, the “best” for PvE players searching for Sunkens, but it’d probably be nerfed to oblivion because, other than Abyssal Structures, all Sunken sources end up nerfed :sob:

PERSONALLY, I’d love to see some sort of “Journalist” profession that comes alongside the Juraserva update, maybe letting you submit articles into the news based on activities you do.

you might end up getting quests, too, that are basically small, easily done fetch quests located on the same island as the Juraserva Faction, like “collect 5 weeds” and the gardening area is like, only 5 steps away from the quest area.

just small immersive things or something. maybe you have to go bounty hunting to document the “top 5 most dangerous criminals,” or you can document something about your Rivals or Clan.

Patch Notes

I’m not a big PvP guy, so these don’t effect me as much, but there’s minor things i’d like to give thoughts on.


Vetex you gave me a whole lot of power with this (maybe pun intended?) watch out when i come out with my Rei Fire Conjurer with max Blasted Firemancer armors.


genuinely somewhat upset about this cause i wanted to make a Basic Light Crystal file, and i’m NOT going to use Iron Leg, but i think this still works just fine?

idk how imbuments work but wouldn’t Crystallized detonate anyway if Crystal is imbued into Basic? if not i’ll probably use it anyway because it was never meant to be “good” in the first place, so i don’t really care for synergies.


i know this one isn’t recent, but since i’m not in a clan a lot of this update doesn’t apply to me, so i’ll just review this anyway.

Lost Items seem cool, though i probably won’t be using them since their stats aren’t too appealing to me, but this means that, if you don’t have a rival already, go get one. it’ll be a lot easier to get Lost items that way.

“OHHHH but woe is me, my rival is almost double my level count!”

uh… actually fair complaint i won’t argue with you. just try to cheese them i wish you luck :sob:

yeah yap sesh over. those are most of my opinions, up until the dark sea armor sets have their stats revealed. i hope they’re good cause then that gives me a reason to go siren hunting back into the perilous sea, oh no! i totally don’t feel mesmerized by those beautiful, angelic songs…

yeah. 3 new DS Armor Sets, surely one has to appeal to me.

oh, and for my Conjurer build, Soaring Eagle’ll be nice.

alright that’s all bye. feel free to express your inner, darkest, deepest secrets if you want. or don’t.