it’s planned
Its a variation of electron magic
why does it need a red variation
it says it’s red
I thought it would be cool to have blue electron magic and red proton magic. With each focusing on a different form of DOT
i mean
big v already have electron magic as both of the 2 variants you talked about
they’re just in the same magic no variations
i’m just confused why you’d decide to split the 2 variants into seperate magics/variants
it’s just more work
and having both color at the same time would be cool
Electron magic’s only change would be that it is just blue, no red. Everything about it stays the same.
Proton magic would be similar to electron magic. Except instead of making clouds of burning air, it would give a status effect with less overall damage than the clouds of air that electron magic produces.
The main idea is that a positive charge (Protons) will produce red lightning, and a negative charge (Electrons) will produce blue lightning. And making them two separate variations will allow players to choose which of the two options they would prefer.
It’s like colour variations except it has an effect on the magic’s special gimmick.
A way that it could be implimented is that you have to get both proton and neutron magic to get electron magic so real wack it would make a ood side quest
The fuck is neutron magic?
The fuck are you?
It could be a Multi colored magic that applies a random statys effect and possible not even lightning related I was thinking a multi colored shadow
fair enough.
Lightning cant be created with a neutral charge, so that would make sense
looks too edgy
Eh, I’ve seen edgier
the war seas is in the other side of the world
Atomic magic go br?
just anotha poison lightning rip off
your mom fart
What’s up with people and bashing farting anyway?
fair enough