Red lightning is a rare form of lightning that is most common to see when the atmosphere is dusty or ashy (I.E during a volcanic eruption)
This could add more options for weather, perhaps as a hazardous volcanic island that is constantly filled with ash and magma as the volcano erupts constantly.
Perhaps Durza’s attack also affected tectonic plates, causing massive amounts of volcanic eruptions. A weather effect called Ash Storm could cause you to take damage over time if you don’t have the right gear equipped, this would also cause red lightning to occur.
Crimson Lightning
And now for the part that is gonna make everyone mad at me
Crimson Lightning would be a variation on electron magic. Electron magic would be blue since blue(ish) coloured lightning is usually the result of a negative charge, electron magic would focus on AOEDOT. The crimson variation would be called proton magic since red coloured lightning is the result of a positive charge, proton magic would focus more on status effect DOT. The effect would be called Ozone burn. The visual representation would be crimson flames with red lightning arcing around the flames.
unpopular opinion: do we really need more starter variations as losts. don’t think its really anything that necessary as we already have aether lightning filling that spot for lost lightning
Yes… But what about the variation idea? The teal version could be called electron magic (because blueish lightning is the result of a negative charge) and it would focus on AOEDOT. The crimson version would be called proton magic (because red lightning is the result of a positive charge) and it would focus more on status effect DOT.