I recently watched the roblox Game of The Year awards which is like a knock off version of the real Game of The Year Awards and most of the comments were shitting on AO for winning 5 ‘awards’ including GOTY and I read through each comment that people posted so you didnt have to.
They either say “combat bad” and “game died so that means its bad.” I have a handful of counter arguments to this.
“Combat bad” yeah AO’s combat isnt the best and yeah it needs some work but most of the time when people shit on AO they fall back onto this claim. Im sorry but would you rather fair combat or combat thats whoever can land their combo first wins since the ideology they follow is that they really edge over m1 combat if the game does not have infinite stun combos that makes the game bad?
“Game died so game bad” there are a lot of games out there on roblox that are really good but does not get the recognition it deserves because its not comparable to today’s norm of roblox games.
I know this sounds like a rant post but I just wanted to vent some thoughts
did AO win the bloxxy this year? I just saw it on a website and seems like it only got nominated for most immersive environment contrary to what the post says about winning GOTY and 5 other awards or is the post talking about some other roblox awards?
Honestly AO might as well be its own game, rather than a game on Roblox. Its feels like you arent even on roblox when you play it, and I love that feeling. So when I see random 8 year olds complain their favourite bandit beater didnt win I just laugh.
I dont know bruh they are acting like it was the real Game of The Year + They are also acting like how spiderman 2 fans and zelda fans are acting right now.