Roblox Game Sharing Party

consider the alternatives:

free, with dozens of well-made community maps and four classics, easier to run than most Roblox games

godly, hundreds of hours worth of content, only about 20 bucks, hundreds of hours of top-tier community maps, can run on most systems with a decent graphics card

why are people still playin these Roblox zombies clones in 2021 !!!

most CoD games suck but the zombies games are always a certified win for being damn good.

might need to go to the fandom to get started (go to controls or you will be an idiot and everyone will hate on you. Don’t repeat my mistakes)

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Never heard of such fascinating game



come on man you gotta let it go, it’s just a burning memory now

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Quick someone get editing!

Stupid fun, that’s it

Was this shared already? Eh.

I wouldn’t call this a good game TBH, but I like it. If you want a clearly instruction on how to play, go to the discord. The devs are currently busy with life, but they are trying to do something big.

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find the little guys or find the chomiks

if you wanna do some puzzle solving/search hunting, then this is for you.


MFW a haha funni anime magic game is one of the best at simulating the horrors and futility of WW1 and war as a whole.

Yeah good games

May not be for everyone but

and to simply spite this thread as a whole (joke)

extremely grindy game, surprisingly addictive tho (to me at least)

funny building jumping game

Instead of Rogue Lineage, recommend Verdant Moon or Lore Game

“Fun” “Game” which is honestly nice to play sometimes. There’s just something so appealing building a building which you can then just use and see it role in actual results. Yeah sure the people can be assholes, but that’s what happens you you combine Bloxberg with guns.