Roblox is getting a built-in Anticheat

roblox watching helplessly as a loophole is found around the anticheat within 4 days



I hope this anticheat can be disabled or smth

You gonna go on a hacker arc or something?

:lying_face: :shushing_face: :face_with_peeking_eye: :smirk: :disguised_face: :hushed: :flushed: :clown_face: :scream_cat: :speak_no_evil: :pray: :pray: :pray: :person_shrugging: :gorilla:

i dont see how this could be fe 2, fe broke games because it changed the way scripts work entirely, the anticheat doesnt change or remove any pre existing features it just adds something

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my main concern is the alt account detection, if it bases it off ip then i can think of ways to not just get around the bans, but also to get innocent people banned
I hope this update won’t be a catastrophe but I really think it will be tbh

I read through part of the thread and it seems like a lot of people have the same concerns as me

i dont think theyre going to ban you for having alts, more just detect if someone is an alt and give a heads up to the dev or something

i highly doubt the anticheat is actually going to ban your account, it’s probably just going to have something where the dev can decide to kick or ban someone if the anticheat catches them

If someone exploits on public wifi and a dev decides to ip ban them, innocent people could be banned from the game

yeah i know, ip bans are a terrible way to ban people from games

but i doubt roblox would use ip bans as im pretty sure they dont even use it for actual account terminations

They have a website ip ban but it rarely happens

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Quacky was possibly the first to get website banned

Mf got fully blocked by roblox :skull:

Koneko got ip banned years before quackity

For real :skull:
What did he even do

I don’t remember

This anti cheat will be like 2b2t’s anti chest system :heart_eyes:

It’s gotta be more than that. Some people have hundreds of alt accounts alone.

Cant Wait To Get Banned For Lag And Being Flung By Terrain :blush:

They Have Done IP Bans

During The Era Where You Could Get Banned For Joining A Certain Game, You Could Get IP Banned