Roleplaying in Arcane Odyssey

Okay, I change my mind, yall did something right on them.

i was just sharing my opinion for the happy ending

ok but what about this

ss13 my beloved.

@LightingmAIn I may have like 2 Roblox alts just for characters, but that’s about the most it gets on the wiki

I think i’m gonna make my own wiki ocs

@Cryonical Can you give this to Vetex, please?

Woah…I never knew my Wiki posts would make it here😶

this is your favorite linx right?

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@fikometriko Ah it’s nice too see you again Gato, I unblocked you on discord btw✨

haha, I actually run a long-standing roleplay server for AO (3 years coming up in january!)
we roleplay in discord text, and it’s actually quite awesome

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the server is almost old enough to eat solid food

Can’t believe my favorite oc creator made to the forums, he must’ve grown up anyways can’t wait to see LUCIUS EVE LORE PART 8 TRAILER’S TEASER here too

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AO wiki :sob:


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That makes perfect sense

I won’t really do much here, I might just comment a few times maybe✨

@FISHDOGFORTHEWINNN Oh so you think we are cringey now😑