💞 Rose Shop - Boss drops, Amulets, enchantment scrolls

💞 Rose Shop - Boss drops, Amulets, enchantment scrolls
convenience 4.333333333333333 3 fairness 0.0 0 trustworthiness 0.0 0

Have a bunch of items, drop a comment or DM Rosé#7368

I am looking for…

1x White maid skirt, Galleons, Seasonals, hard/strong enchantment scrolls
I’m fine with same-type set swaps [i.e calvus weapon for calvus weapon]

Galleons available for trading:

Boss drops

Click me!
Name Enchants Amount
Elius Ravenna Noble Chestplate None 3
Elius Ravenna Noble Leggings Hard 1
Elius Collared Cape Hard 2
Elius Shroud None 2
Commodore Kai Sabre None 1
Lions Halberd None 1
Lion of Old Ravenna Chestplate None 1
Lion of Old Ravenna leggings None 0
Bronze Chainmail Shirt None 1
Elius Stormcaller bow None 1
Elius Thunderspear None 1


Click me!
Type Enchants Amount
Attack Speed None 4
Defense None 1
Defense Bursting 1
Intensity None 3
Power None 0


Click me!
Name Enchants Amount
Titanium Helmet None 1
Titanium Chestplate None 2
Titanium Chestplate Hard 1
Titanium Leggings Hard 1
Titanium Helmet None 1
Ravenna Centurion Armor None 1
Acid Arcsphere None 1


Click me!
Name Enchants Amount
Vindicator None 1
Res None 1
Res None 1
Res None 1


Click me!
Type Amount
Luring 1
Bursting 2
Amplified 1
Nimble 1
Intensity 1

neat little shop. welcome to the shops catagory!
personally not a huge fan of unorganised shops (no tables) but as long as you can read it, its good. when you get more items though, 100% try using tables for everything!

levels arent super important. all you should really specify is an items enchant.
eg. strong ss, strong powerful amulet, etc

make sure you update this regularly!

goodluck :+1:


Coolio! I doubt I’ll have too many items at once but if I end up getting a ton, Ill be sure to move onto tables! ^^

use this for when you make your tables! just leaving this here so you can find it easier when you do put them in!


  • Added tables! Theyre pretty
  • Added a boss drops area because I like farming bosses :]

10/03/23 -

  • Added more to the amulet catalogue
  • Added 1 extra enchantment scroll to the scrolls section

To be added

  • Extra boss drops
  • Food catalogue [Regen IV 40m+ and what not, useful for boss grinding]

Added Kai’s sabre <3

Added the following items, removed 1 agility Amulet and 1 kai sabre !

Very convenient shop. Hide details and tables are always great to have for your shop page

1 Like

Final update for today !

Decent shop although the tables are a bit awkward, how are you gonna list the same items with different enchantments though? I’d suggest formatting it in a way that you don’t have to add a whole new line so that it’s a bit more convenient for both you and customers. :+1:

can u tell me what variant this is?