[RP][CLOSED][DEAD] Empty Invitation

Running footsteps are heard from behind the crowd at the abandoned arena. The sound then gets slower as it finally stopped. If you turn to the sound’s source, an average-sized man in the white suit and the signature green cloak is seen watching Aster, along with the people around him.

His grey eyes narrowed as he’s trying to figure out the situation. Since that was his whole reason to visit this place.

The man glances towards everyone around Aster’s body, as he attempts to retain his relaxed composure.

“How long has the body been here?”

Arden spoke barely before he even turned around to face the newly arrived stranger. “No idea, and who are you?” By the time he finished that sentence, he’d already turn around and realized who the stranger is working for. “Ah! You’re with the magic council, aren’t you? I’d recognise that color scheme anywhere!”

He nods as he picks out a letter from his pocket.

“I’m Issac Cutlass, one of the captains working at the silent tower. Just for today’s shift.”

“And all of you are here because of this letter, right?” Issac opens up the letter and shows its contents to other people. The letter content is the same as the ones that everyone else here received.

He then glances at Aster, “maybe except for that guy over there- Wait.”

“Other issues aside first, do any of you have clues about the attack?” he asked.

“I sure don’t, dunno about the others though.” Arden answered. “I think he got beaten up wayyy before we got here, since he just started getting conscious again.”

Spencer would turn around to face the magic council captain,making a slight grimace on his face, How bloody great,the magic council is here. Gotta stay low. He thought to himself.
“No fancy ideas myself,only thing I know is that other people came here probably to beat the guy on the ground up like hell for some reason with pretty much every kind of magic.”

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“How nice of the council to finally show up.” Jerome turned himself to look at Isaac, the same smug, slightly condescending look plastered across his face. "Like these two said, he was out of it when we arrived. "

“And yes, the letter brought the lot of us here. Looking for one Aster Lamina.” Jerome still held his suspicions about the body- it seemed to fit the description of the letter pretty well- but he didn’t speak up. The only indicator of suspicion was a lingering glare towards the body and a change of vocal tone when Jerome spoke the name.

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Altea surveyed the arena with an unenthusiastic indifference, his head angled slightly to the side, the very incarnate of uninterest. The entire scene was just oozing with tension and unease. The very fact that even a member of the Magic Council had showed up, and a Captain no less, was a sign that the group’s present situation was far more serious than it was originally thought to be.

And so Altea spoke for the second time since arriving at this battered, aged arena, its walls layered in vegetation, the stone of the center platform worn in several places from decades of battle after battle, having done its job and serving simply as an arena even now.

“There’s nothing that these three men haven’t already told you” Altea responded to the Captain’s question,
“…but this half-dead, white-haired, slightly crispy, slightly charred fellow here is just about to regain consciousness — much to his painful and disoriented dismay — so I do believe you’ll be getting the majority of your questions answered soon.”

He addressed the Captain with a simple single nod of the head, a far cry from the proper respect and manners — especially towards greeting — one should display when finding themselves in the presence of a high ranking member of the Magic Council.

“Now, captain, how about we get the poor lad some medical attention first so he can tell us all about what happened to him?” Arden said in a casual tone.

Issac nods as he hears the other people’s answers while observing the body, then replies to Arden, “we’re doing that. But those…” he said as he crouches down and brushes away some of the ice pieces along with the ashes and the ink.

“Let’s just do what we could for now.”

“…And that is…?” Jerome tapped a foot on the ground, eyeing the group of people before him. “What exactly can we do? It would be preferrable to find the one we were sent here for.” The man raised a hand up, adjusting the cap on his head. His eyes kept a tired looking determination in them as he looked on.

“One, bringing him back to Ironport. And two, track down the one responsible for this,” Issac said as he glances at the others as he thinks about something.

“Are you guys going to wait for the lad to recover and get something out of him, or split up to take care of him properly and investigate the colosseum?”

“I’ll be staying around him, the most important thing right now is to treat his injuries and keep him safe. Besides, we’ll get the full details of the situation when he wakes up, right?” Arden says, looking at Issac, before turning to look at the others.

“I think I’ll be going to deal with the person who sent me here. I’ll be seeing you later,Captain Issac.”
Spencer would then leave the arena and head back to the abandoned colosseum to meet the person who sent him out for the retrieval of Aster Lamina for questioning about why he was sent and why other people were present.