i mean hey, Ruby needs a way to destress anyways
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why is muscles 1 eating muscles 2’s nose?
are they a cannibal?
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Ruby looked like a girl in the first pic
never say that again
yo do i gotta pay an interchange pot for you to draw me what should i pay
just a lil hungry
are we just gonna ignore that denaka7 says “daddy”???
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Seeing your popularity, if you want to start a church or cult, I’m all in. (I don’t have mental issues, I swear)
I mean a lot of ppl called me “daddy” And “mommy” Quite often, so i dont mind
It was surprising enough to see you in a server a few months ago, I was not expecting to immediately get a party invite.
WHY THE (complete sentence) DO THEY DO THAT.
Cause i cook and provide financially in game like one
- Reinhardt
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