Runner poll

I’m AO’s greatest runner, so I figured I’d make one of these to gather information about how others run.

How often do you run?
  • Never
  • Sometimes
  • Usually
  • Always
  • Only if I’m busy
  • Only if I have chests/cargo
  • Only if they have an annoying/meta build
0 voters
How do you run?
  • Agility potions
  • Swimming to the ocean floor
  • Love gel
  • Slowness gel
  • Being a 400 agility demon
  • Sailing away on a boat
  • Hiding in a cave
  • Other (please comment how you run)
0 voters

Any additional information about how you run is greatly appreciated, so please be inclined to share in the replies

Edit: these results have been suprising to day the least, I personally assumed there’d be a lot less runners, and a lot more love gel. Thank you to everyone who has participated or will participate for expanding my horizons

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nice try hunter


I only ever run away if it suddenly becomes a 1v2, which is always in Ravenna, which in that case I’d try to lose them by going around the crevices of the houses in Rubica and then just get out of there. Though that’s only If the fight went horrible for me.

I’ll just hop servers If I’m not in the mood of getting jumped anyway lol.

I escape using sneaky schemes and tactics such as: hiding behind a pillar and waiting for the enemy to run past me.

His ass is NOT a loony toon

I stopped running a while ago since I am getting better at pvp and I don’t lose as much from death as, say, deepwoken.

But, I still always ensure to avoid bounty hunters, particularly by hiding in caves and other places when I can’t leave or server hop. Or I get on a brig and go to dark sea instead for some griding, a place where they most likely can’t find me.

I have genuinely hidden behind one of the pillars of the aqueduct at ravenna, and it did actually work.

Now run through a door and appear at a different unrelated door.

I only ever run if I’m outnumbered / if I get radial tagged and it inconveniences me. I just pop a Waterbreathing potion and swim to the bottom of the seas. Typically works out just fine.

If they’re a 900 kill PvP sweat, then I’m running, no question. If they’re only in the dozens and they don’t have many hours, then sometimes I fight.

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I, as someone who cares not one bit for PvP, usually run. Unless it’s a fight I agreed to, that is.
As to how? I just… run, dash, and stuff, and try breaking Line of Sight as fast as I can. Don’t really use anything to help me with that, as far as items go.

aye same, i’ll pvp with basically anyone who ask, i just doesnt like being jumped lol

something something honor and whatnot

I run if I’m fighitng a mage, since for some reason surge applies knockback I can’t grab them, and it outclashes everything else! Making it uncounterable for my build

agility, but not 400

:heart: :test_tube:

Running is essentialy cowardiance, and therefore an insult.

I’d much rather lose 100k renown and die a glorious, honorable death than be shamed for being a coward.

Well, the moment I see the “hunter nearby” thing I just turn the opposite direction if I’m on a ship, and if I’m on land I just spawn my ship and sail off. If I can’t access my ship I swim.
If they see me then I just jump into the ocean and try to hide somewhere.

As someone who doesn’t have the time or interest for PvP I’m glad I don’t need to worry about dealing with PvPers anymore to collect NPCs with the deckhand changes

Listen, I’m down for fighting someone if they asked me. But if they’re going to be a jerk and force me into something I don’t want to do, I’ll make sure to waste their time as much as possible in pure spite, and not let them get the satisfaction of killing me if possible.

If running is an insult to them, then that makes it even better.

Well there is a compromise. Not much is more humiliating to a hunter than finally catching someone who has evaded you despite being slower and weaker than you after an hour and then getting caught in a whirlpool that they summoned.

glad we have free data to analyze on how to counterpick the majority of running builds, thanks for the bait