Sacrifice a forumer

i sacrifice nimblenumble

Me collecting Forumers to offer up:

@nilexrl both because his “real name” told me to and for creating this thing

i refuse

Sorry into the volcano you go

you fool
i came prepared with a shulker box worth of fire protection potions
your measly lava cannot harm me

I’m a cartoon villain
This isn’t the climax of the kids show yet I still have plot armor
Also savant supremacy the dev gods have spared me

Anyway hereby I sacrifice @Mirage

nooooo how will i ever be able to be active on the forums anymore!!! what will the forums ever do without me!!!

what if we sacrifice tech instead

Sac someone else to escape your own fate

@Mr_hyperspace get sacrificed

this is ARCANE ODYSSEY, not MINECRAFT. there is no such thing as fire protection potions

draw you pregnant

who are you?

Still trapped in the shadow realm as typ0 failed to be sacraficed sorry

@DubiousLittleTyp0 You’re the oldest one here
You must go

Actually, for that, Vorf, you’re going in buckeroo.


the joke is i have been inactive since early 2024

anyways goodbye @Pink_Skyson

i sacrifice @mirage a second time