Sad truth

thats cuz ur lightning conjurer mr fart…

it’s honestly not that bad rn and tiger rush goated mobility frfr, though rising tide is pretty fucking useless against some classes making it still not worth using over sum like dagger so


you’d think the rarest weapon in the game would be useful to some degree huh.

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Youve just proven my point lol. I said rising tide is awful and you said its pointless against some classes (its pointless against all)
Tiger rush is fine tho ye but it isnt nearly good enough on its own to make sunken swords viable. Also lightning conjurer alongside ice conjurer are the only classes that can actually make use of sunken swords to some meaningful degree so your first sentence doesnt even make sense :sob::sob:

if I somehow obtained 10,000 lion’s halberds, how many headlesses could I get with that?

Nuh uh!! although yeah im not gonna start lying and say you should use the sunken sword over other weapons if you’re really trying to win a fight

helm getting buffed to be equal with booties, wonder how it’ll affect kevin durant’s legacy

janky ass paralyze + baby dick damage w small aoe increase :yawning_face:

It is tho :sob: other than that youre right. Sunken swords are def a bottom tier wep atm

Ik thats why i said atm

With any other class/magic (besides ice) its even more useless…

5 toothpicks probably

i will smoke u with ss just to prove my point forreal

At that point you could theoretically prolly get a few 10s of headlesses but dont quote me on that cuz that trade would be insane :sob:

how many headlesses could 10,000 full calvus sets get me

You wont even get a single hit in, conjurers get an aoe boost so your warrior’s rising tide will be even smaller :joy::joy::joy:
The dmg diff is only like 15 too :skull:

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serious answer

none/no more than 1 because it would not be beneficial at all for the headless owner to have thousands of low tier shit items, it would only be worth if they manage to theoretically quick sell all of them at low prices/normal prices but that would cause inflation making it just all round not worth

you forgetting im a magma size merchant or what

Oh ye youve got a magma conjurer so thats a 6m rising tide instead of 5 :sob:. You still wont hit shit :skull:

bro rising tide is not as bad as you think ur just a hater forrreallllllll…grrr you’re making me angry mr fart

Tell me you havent used rising tide much without telling me

ive literally been going out of my way to use it and test it in both munera 1v1s and real bounty hunting 1v1s ever since i got another ss

run 1s now kid…

Ive still used it atleast 10x longer than you have :sob::sob:
Scrap that since you said the word test its prolly closer to 50x no joke

pre buff sure but i used it more post buff forrrrrrrrealllllllllll

yeah my penis is also longer but im not bringing that up am i :roll_eyes: 1v1 me NOWWWW!!!

Also cap, post buff its prolly that 10x :skull:. My main file always uses it and youve only been “testing” it

Cap and i cant rn gtg eat dinner in a few min

I bet I got the longest pp here :sunglasses:

I ain’t fully exact my revenge for what you did to me in those chess matches yet…