Sad truth

Personal Opinion: Sunken are worth less than seasonals

Seasonals are rare cause you cant obtain them anymore

You can obtain sunken anytime you want, their just really rare. I don’t know why people say that Sunken are like 2-4 seasonals.

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Sunkens aren’t even good. The chestplate is the only “good” one because of its defense, but attack size is just mid. The elusive sunken sword is only useful on a grand total of 2 builds, and both find it really difficult to utilise cuz the hitboxes are tiny

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Ye, at best sunkens are like = 2-3 high tier armour pieces from boss drops/power or defence fair amulets/arcspheres.

its mostly the work for a sunken that makes it valuable, and the future prospects of having armor viable at all levels.

Maaayyyyybeeee arcspheres/amulets, but def not boss drops, those can be gotten in hours while sunken can easily take full days.
I agree with the seasonal thing tho, never was much of a trader but trading an item that will literally NOT BE ABLE TO BE OBTAINED AGAIN for an item that you CAN OBTAIN INFINITELY is kinda ehhh

Atleast it means this easter update will let us eat well in like 2 years.


There’s most likely a similar amount of stock in both but yes seasonals have the exclusivity factor

Give it a year or 2 and their will be way more sunkens than WoM halloween/4th of July accessories

Some seasonals have already surpassed specific sunkens, this topic was kinda pointless

I alredy talked about this, sunken is worth a maximum of calvus’ stupid hat, and that is all, all sunken gear is too low Tier if compared to its rarity, it takes less time to just farm calvus and get all his armor, it is also more rewarding as calvus has an actual good armor that is worth a few good items

Alr, if you have any sunken gear, I’ll buy it off you.


Alr, if you have any sunken gear, I’ll buy it off you for much higher than the price you just said.

Alr, I’ll buy ur sunkens off you if you have any with seasonals.

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People mostly stock up on sunkens because theyll scale up to whatever the lvl cap is and since theyre so rare there is a good chance that theyll be properly buffed (especially the sword)

The reason why atleast both the sunken chest and sword are worth more than 1 seasonal is bc seasonals dont do shit and because sunkens still likely have a lower supply than most halloween seasonals.

Rn sure but when mages were meta size was busted. Self explosions the size of entire towns due to size was broken af

In prolly less than 20 days from release there were way more calvus pieces than sunkens swords (which have been out for about 2 and a half years). Power & defense amulets and arcspheres arent that rare at all either. Merchants can sell them rarely and they drop somewhat frequently from lost cargo and chests

Youre completely ignoring rarity and are therefore wrong. A single sunken is worth atleast 2 calvus sets because of the huge amount of time you need just to get 1 sunken. A calvus set in comparison can be obtained within an hour or maybe two if youre unlucky/slow

should i trade any duplicate seasonals i have for sunkens cause im bored

is rising tide even useful?

Depends on if youre confident in sunkens becoming useful in the future and the amount of duplicate seasonals you have. If youve got loads to spare then diversifying your inventory is a good option, if not then just hold on to those seasonals

Nope its awful atm


so sunkens are just like

collectibles and that’s it

The chest and boots are pretty good but def not OP
The helm and sword are basically collectibles atm yes