Saiju's v1.14.41 Light and Crystal Magic Max Attack Speed Video Thread

I am


is my user. Hopefully this server stays low and not fill up. .

me literally getting murdered as I join:

Oh shoot that’s what the lightning i was hearing was…

But thanks again for the Arc Knight Pauldrons.


This is going to be fun


hes not the min maxxer

hes the MAXXER

You’re going to hit the poor level 2 on dawn with one self explosion

what have I done


You gave a girl the opportunity to not only create Giant Mushroom Clouds, but also now Giant Ash clouds and Light Magic!

That’s what you have done.


Definitely didn't struggle to have the Gif load via Tenor.

Max size explosion is so funny


atk speed? u got my interest



i could give you quite a few tips for thumbnails as this could be way better

I feel so too, but i’ll just keep to my own pace. Normally i just use In-game scenes for thumbnails but wanted to spice things up.

Thanks for offering though.


Magic isn’t the only one getting some spotlight

guys light mage is meta now accept your fate :smiling_imp:

dont bother running from this guy

followed! Looking forward to more MAXXING! also, great taste in music! thanks for high quality video as well! you escaped a stereotype of youtube roblox guides without a mic!

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