Sailor Fist Curse User?

As an… advent drunkard Sailor Fist user, i was wondering on the connections between the ocean, Durza, and Curse Users.

just quick little context, i recently learned (i’m not caught up on all the little lore bits) that Curse Users can’t interact with the sea specifically (not other bodies of water, ex. lakes) because of Durza’s big bang attack.

because of the remenants of his magic in the water, there’s a reaction with Curses that just causes death.

so with that understood, it’s also important to note a somewhat opposite reaction with Sailor Fist, which works because you get some magical high on the seawater and… your fists become moist… yeah idk how it works but i love it.

that being said, what’d happen if a curse user drank seawater. do they only die when they’re submerged in it, and if so, how many bottles till they pass out?

and furthermore, how overpowered would a Lightning Curse and Sailor Fist be if a person would be able to imbue.

i don’t really expect a serious answer it was just something i was thinking about.

They don’t pass out when they touch water, they f’cking explode

so they’re all just whales?

so that’s why whales can canonically fly

their stomach gets ripped to shreds by the magic energy

iirc the strength of a curse user determines how much water they can be submerged in before exploding ( Arthur for example would die if half of his body is submerged ), so some weaker curse users probably wont die but suffer severe stomach ache

probably not worth it

imagine a curse user who we fight who doesn’t take us seriously and fights us, but in phase 2 he sobers up… and then drinks up, unsobering but becoming stronger.

If I am not mistaken, it was mentioned somewhere that weaker curse users are just unable to swim and go down to the bottom. Since their whole body is a curse, they just can’t do anything in a substance of other energy. I imagine it like some “fly getting caught into resin and dies.

On the other hand, I cannot find source where I saw this information. Maybe it was decannonised or just made up by some guy during hot arguement. It was ages ago.

yeah i do vaguely remember that only the stronger ones explode while the weakers just kinda get immobilized like how df users are in op

But… You got no lungs… Like, since curse users are just pure magic, they can literally shapeshift. Averill regained his lost arm with the light curse, which is a question for itself. So, if you got no tangible lungs, can you even drown? Do you just sit at the bottom of some big-ass ravine hoping someone will dive and save or at least kill you? How many curse users are there that are just stuck at the seafloor? And if, for example, Morrock turns himself into Promethean flames, that we know are extremely hot, wouldn’t his blood for example immediately evaporate and wouldn’t he die to blood loss?

somewhat off topic, but same story with Fishman Devil Fruit users, which i’m pretty sure is canonical. they just float down and either starve to death or die. they can’t drown.

i imagine eventually, the “spark” of the curse would run dry. all energy eventually leaves one singular place, right? so eventually, they’d probably just… stop. stop thinking, stop moving, stop living.

So eventually… he stopped thinking.

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