Sandal, The Most Stoic Forumer

nah dw I won’t

tell her me bout’ me tho

way too cool to not be mentioned :sunglasses:

ain’t no way

minute I say ur name every girl in a 400 meter radius will be disintegrated from the sheer levels of cringe

what if i told you i was a nerd-jock irl?


(tbh I think I count as one too)

:eye: :lips: :eye:

swim team :eye::lips::eye:

same ong

(actually would happen to still be learning, but i’m pretty above-decent)

I’m pretty decent

got 1:07 I think as my best 100 butterfly time, if not less

or like 27 seconds 50 freestyle

I’m on winter hiatus tho so I might be rusty in the spring rip

rookie numbers tbh

nah whats ur time

(im actually worser than you lol)


me when

idk you probably shouldnt worry about it too much