Sandstone earth is the worst variation in the game

this variation looks like actual shit, it has to be by far the ugliest thing in the game and i will bully you for using it (not that you care because if you use sandstone earth you have no emotions)

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no its green acid (purple is superior in every way)

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sandstone earth is way worse than green acid, it actually just genuinely looks so fucking bad, i cannot understand how a living breathing creature would look at sandstone earth and decide that it’s worth existing

i guess, im just biased into thinking its green acid

You are wrong
Also its bitch wood not sandstone

i will defend purple acid with my life.
grape juice > mountain dew


sandstone worst variation, idk what the best is ill go look at a few

true tho

Purple is bad so green better

you’re wrong

Nova plasma or the red poison

You just have skill issue

wtf no red poison is actual ass purple poison way better

Hell nah purple bad, that shade of red :weary:
Wind cold and neutral abyss water

best variation is clearly the white variant of water

warm wind best wind fight me

Ok loser this is for actual opinions not meme opinions

shut the actual fuck up you like red poison

Bro you like canyon sand stfu :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

you all are ignoring sage ice and that is sad

Glacial is better