[Satire] Adding permadeath to AO would make it good

Imagine, you’re playing Arcane Odyssey. After spending hours exploring the Bronze Sea and customising and upgrading your ship and character. You find yourself about 11 hours into the storyline. While doing a quest to find some lost chickens, a high levelled warden catches you off guard and kills you effortlessly.
Now you find yourself back at the start of the game, with tears welling in your eyes excited and ready for more! This is just one way that permadeath can benefit this linear story-based game. Instead of being able to respawn and continue on without a second thought, players must weigh the risks and rewards of every situation and make strategic choices in order to survive and even thrive.

Permadeath makes it so we all have to add another level of strategy and critical thinking into our playthroughs. Instead of being able to easily breeze through the game with a suboptimal build (facepalm), players will have to play better and put in the effort to master the meta builds in order to succeed and defend themselves from other players. This will make the victories that much sweeter and give players a greater sense of accomplishment. Take notes people, meta builds are the way to go.

Permadeath would also lead to a smaller, however more EPIC playerbase! Permadeath will make the game seem unforgiving or challenging to nerds making them avoid picking up the game keeping the player base full of dedicated players. Also, permadeath will contribute to making existing players more cautious and risk avoidant, making them explore less of the game to avoid losing progress, this makes the reward of seeing the whole game even more worthwhile! Another potential benefit of permadeath is the possible decrease in social interactions and cooperation between players. Such things are meaningless as without them we gain a more engaging and competitive gaming environment.

Finally, permadeath makes it so rare items such as seasonals are even more valuable as their quantity is always reducing. You know that I’ll always be gunning for those traders. This really would help the games economy making it so it is impossible to trade up to a seasonal and the only way to get a seasonal is to trade one yourself. Now losing your inventory on death sounds pretty terrible for a trader right? To get around this savvy players would create alternate accounts specifically for the purpose of storing valuable items to prevent losing such valuables. Thes bank accounts would lead to trades being planned entirely off the game on third party platforms in order to prevent risking items. Unfortunately, this will detract from the sense of realism and immersion that permadeath is meant to provide so I don’t recommend this method!

Permadeath makes AO so much better! #PermadeathForAO


This is why I love abdul and his astonishing ideas :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


zomg I would absolutely LOVE to lose hundreds of hours worth of progress and have to restart from rock bottom!! actually let’s make if better and if you perma die too many times you have to spend BOBUX to make new files again!!! :cold_face: :cold_face: :crazy_face: This is best idea EVER!!! #permadeathforAO!!!

Definitely not a jab at deepwoken

Wow. Just wow. the amount of creativity and effort that was needed for this idea was just… amazing! it’s remarkable! you make excellent points and quite frankly I would LOVE to see this added into the game! As a deepwoken fanatic myself I have a love for permadeath at my very core. This, my good sir, is the best idea for ao yet.


shut up go drink water, eat well and rest peacefuly for a while

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Do not
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I’m still surprised by the amount of untaken names that the forums has. Every time someone new comes out with a short/common name/word for a name I’m caught off guard just a little bit.

unironically the state of ar rn

waiting for someone to take this seriously and start a 200 comment chain of arguments :face_in_clouds:

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Fr though, I’m 100% doing permadeath files in AO

AO nuzlocke???

You know it’s satire when wardens can kill people.


This is so true. 10/10

holy shit this is literally just deepwoken, like good god this is exactly what they did

yeah, it’s gonna be fun whether I die to skill issue, unlucky roblox physics, or w h i t e e y e s


RKillers would be so annoying