Does which awakening you get base itself on what your stats are, or do you get to pick?
you get second magic first no matter what i think
No, first awakening is second magic or second fighting style depending on whether you’re a magic savant or a fighting savant, I just don’t know if thats something you choose or if its based on your stats.
You can choose FS or Magic no matter the stats.
However, the damage you dealt will depend on the stat, so you better have the highest stat strenght first, magic second if you picked two fighting style
and magic highest stat first and strenght seconds, if you choose two magics
Will Savants get a second magic/fighting style for second awakening too? Cause looking at it now it looks like they won’t.
There haven’t really any confirmation about it other than they are able to use Arcanium weapons like Conjurer.
So I cannot answer it as for now.
Yeah thats why Im probably gonna get second magic now even though my stats are mostly in strength. I’m trying to be able to use argos weapons and I need the second magic for imbues in the future and if I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to get a second magic in the future then I gotta get it now.
i feel like after all aos updates come out savant is gonna have like 1 awakening from most classes then it will be the most op class and no one will use the hybrids or pures ever
I got to play all class with savant being my first since AO comes out and my favorite.
I do hope that won’t be the case
There’ll probably be an increase in savants for a bit once second awakening comes out, cause those double imbues are gonna be sick, but after that most people will probably want to go back to being able to use higher tier stuff, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
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