Savant build, help me please

So i currently have a shadow-thermo-fire build and im realizing its dumb so i was gonna reset my stats and change my build but i need some help. Im keeping shadow and i lowkey like thermo but im not sure if i should keep it or not and ion know what second magic i should take can yall help me? And Does a stat reset reset everything including your dodge reflex and stuff? I want my build to be good but also look good ngl. Also what armor would i even use and stuff

shadow kinda only synergizes with itself
and thermo aint good because it applies burning which cleanses bleed, effectively cutting out 1/3rd of your total damage of a fourth of your build


It applies seared not burning and I don’t believe seared clears bleed (the wiki doesn’t say anything about it doing that after a quick skim)

oh right
i forgot it got changed to searing

so would thermo be bad to put with shadow or can i do that and that have something that synergizes with thermo as my second magic. or is there a better fighting style for the build like basic or something.

shadow doesnt synergise with anything
its only anti synergy

the fact that you chose shadow magic as first magic already kinda ruined your entire file
then again its about having fun, not being meta (unless being meta is having fun for you)

A second magic for shadow OOF that’s difficult.

If it was light you could mix it with earth or metal to have a long range and a short range magic.
But shadow is in this weird spot in which it has stats so balanced and flexible for everything that its hard to get a second magic that cover its weaknesses.

Synergies are out of the question since shadow.

The only magic I can think of considering you are going Savant and wont have a lot of points for the second magic would be poison.
The joke being during the fight you shoot poison set it as an extra DoT and then continue with shadow.
You can do clouds with poison but with Savant I doubt you will be able to invest enough into poison to set a lot of clouds.

You could use magma or acid as an alternative for poison as a DoT help but they don’t fill the role as well as poison and don’t work on water.