Say, if you swap your personalities/traits into the opposites, who would you get?


good at socialising with others

it’s called “successful”
also use the word ‘antonym’ instead of ‘opposite of’

whats the oppossite of liking all genders?

liking no one

I would have a better memory and actually feel like I have emotions? Sign me up!



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  • Mainly does art, occasionally writes, can’t do music → Makes musics, actually writes some stuff, can’t draw for shit
  • Some people may know me as a girl, although most people assume I’m a boy → People know I’m a boy but a part of the community assumes I’m a girl

Basically, you switched into me lmfao

a happy person ggez

trait: i am alive
reverse: i am dead


  • Not good at music and art → Hella good at music and art
  • Chill person → Micromanager
  • Late → 4 hours early to everything
  • English → French (That’s the opposite of english right lol)

tbf chinese, korean, japanese, arabian or smth would be more of a opposite, as french still has a lot of english based words

if you could sum the opposite me up into one word:

better opposite

More friens
Better drawing skill
Less lazy
That all i want to swap i suppose
(Well there’re other things too but
Family friendly)