Scenario: You've become Vetex. What do you add to the game?

Rename Phoenix into Theos magic

replace ao map with wom for troll

Well, I have a few ideas that I want to add or change but I think all of them are awful as they stem from my frustration and skill issue with the game. Beside, they would make AO a game with mindless fun like Genshin Impact. Anyhow, let me begin.

  1. reduce the server size down to 10 and show the server age. I think servers are laggy due to the combination of too many things happening to many players at once and the servers’ age. I would also add a server region selection in the main menu.

  2. not allowing white eyes and reinforced pirate caravel or ketch be able to spawn at the area between Elm Island and Palo Town

  3. at the end of the story, you can pick which civilized island to spawn in. I’m aware that Ravenna is home to King Calvus whose items are highly sought after by the player base, the island as a whole feels really bland to me. 75% of the island is Mount Caesar with almost nothing interesting. There are towns but they are located in a circle that you can just walk around without much navigation. Not to mention, the savannah-like landscape looks really dull to me, not comparable to the epic snowstorm at Frostmill. Finally, treasure charts are such a pain to solve on this island.

  4. rewrite treasure charts to make them clearer and reducing the chance of common treasure charts’ island being Wind-Row, Ravenna or Shell Island for new players since they’re far away and have odd geography.

  5. lessen the aura effect of Lord Elius and add a cooldown of his teleportation

  6. drop the base fame or bounty loss from losing non-party PVP matches to 2500. Moreover, fame or bounty loss now scale after the sea you’re in (+500 for the Bronze Sea). Further scaling is added if you fulfill one of these conditions:
    -Your player kill exceeds 50 (+250 for every 10 player kills beyond this threshold)
    -Your fame or bounty has reached 100000 (+200 loss for every 10000 fame/bounty gained after this mark)

  7. Extend the main ship respawn time to 3 minutes at base (+1 more minute for later seas). Moreover, add a feature in which if you die on your main ship and spawn on a civilized island or have a camp maker placed somewhere, you can spawn an emergency boat which is 2 step behind your main one to quickly retrieve your loot or defeat your enemy. This emergency boat will despawn quicker and can’t be reused if you die on your main ship one more time.

  8. Add an anchor to your ship. This will make your ship extremely stabilized, in other words, a mini island that you can sail around. I did this with the intention of giving the players something to stand on while being attacked by sharks.

  9. Mobility-based deckhands (deckhands that give movement speed, turning speed, resilience, stability) will have their stats scaled after their rarity instead of their level.

  10. Add crystal chunks to the caverns of Mount Othrys which serve as a form of light source for the player to better navigate the colossal caves. They’ll glow more aggressively at night. If gem socketing were implemented into the game, they could also serve as ores for the player to mine and they would have a higher chance of dropping gemstone compared to the default rock.

  11. Reinforced or fortified navy, assassin , pirate ketches have a chance to give 4-5 sealed bronze chests upon the destruction of all sailors.

Its confirmed to be just words “You feel immense power” bla bla bla, so no AA sensing anymore.

1: I’d round it down to 15 instead, 10 basically means you’ll be going entire hours without seeing another player. As for the region select, I absolutely agree, my ping is bad enough in America, and Carina starts to stand a 0.0001% chance against me when the server’s in Europe.

2: Pirates for the most part can be avoided, besides, getting beaten by them once or twice makes mass-slaughtering them late game more satisfying.

3: Yes. Please. Ravenna is too far away from the rest of the islands and I’d prefer to spawn literally anywhere else.

4: Personally, I think they should have pre-set locations the player can only find with the correct chart. Right now the location is random, which makes it a real pain to find all of the treasure.

5: Also make Elius produce 50% fewer particles. Really wouldn’t change how the fight looks, but would lower the PC stroke rate to just under 75%.

7: The idea of an “Emergency Ship” is interesting. I’d probably say that it should instead only be an unmodified sailboat, as to encourage the player to stay out of combat.


Can we please remove the fucking “destroy the ravenna” sailboat quest? it’s honestly so poorly constructed because my boat never has strong enough items during that point in the game where I can just swiftly decimate it before the entire brigade of ravenna caravels behind me catches up.

Also Can the quest please like reset if you get your boat destroyed? it literally softlocks you if your boat gets sunk and you have to reset.

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If turning into vetex gave me both the skills, and the motivation to do so, I’d probably just end up adding jokes nobody finds funny into random places, that no quest would require you to go to.
Or make a “design an [insert object category]” thing, as a source for cosmetically different, but mechanically identical-ish objects, though that would need to require some kind of special-ish permission, like making suggestions here, to avoid inappropriate object designs.

That was so long ago I sent that…anyway no, it’s planned to be something that you can see when you hold G while charging or something

A freaking balancing team because the community does not know what is best for the game.

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my anti magic faction suggestion

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every different type of cooking and brewing pot, each with different food/potion quality and specializes in different food/potion types

Completely revamp anything and everything to have a slower, more deliberate combat system where players aren’t flying around like caffeinated hummingbirds. Also, add actual flavor and lore to the magic, and have players learn spells through storyline, NPCs and searching around, instead of them just thinking “Hm, what if instead of firing a ball of magic, I just made an instantaneous beam?” all of the sudden.

Also also, rewrite the dialog, as I’m actually good at that.

blowdarts, this would be a kinda sub-weapon and doesnt need to take up a weapon slot, to compensate, the damage multiplier would be very low (x0.05)
long range, fast firerate
also just like arrows and magic blasts, its projectile, so no hitscan

the darts would have a low base damage as well, however you can hollow out the darts and put potion liquids into it (probably quarter the duration of a vial), if the effect is instant such as harming or healing, the potency would be 0.1

the ammo would just like arrows, have 4 variations, however you cant buy any of them from the armorer shop, instead you rarely get it from weapon chests
you cant hollow out the smoke dart variation, but you can for the others

this is supposed to be an emergency ranged weapon for if your main weapons are exhausted, although you can throw it if you have enough points spent in strength

We are still hopes high to the day You will add it

One day


that day has come

The prophecy has been fulfilled.


October 8th, 2020, at 6:00 PM. An almost 4 year wait. It was worth it :face_holding_back_tears: