Since the school doesnt allow us to use our phones and every website other than this is blocked, i will instead upload funny pictures here so i can save them to my phone :saint:
doesnt have a picture but my literature teacher put a picture of an egyptian god in a lesson about greek mythology lmao
Cant escape from the made with mematic watermark even in realmlife
“let’s learn to type…”
you have this stupid ass curriculum too?
no thankfully, but that looks like some analog horror shit type stuff ngl
what happened?
i have no fucking clue but i hope they tear down this old ass building soon and build a new one
the inside is like fucking crumbly, the steel parts of the ceiling are rusted, and there’s dirt-dauber nests in every corner of the ceiling as well.
though my guess is some leakage, and moss or something similar growing on the pipes, as the pipe is green with some sort of plant and there is a puddle from constant dripping
Ass-tasting candy
dem people gonna certainly fail. 28/53 is a failing grade