wait why’d I reply to you? Meant to reply to the topic in general. This is the second largest foolery I’ve preformed within the past week on this site. I feel like a clown, a moron, an imbecile.
It’s probably the only year I would say one of my teacher is kinda bad, and that’s because he basically bullied us for anything we said. It’s not that bad, but when you can’t ask a question at fucking school where you learn without the teacher repeating what you said while talking like a morron, yeah I’ll pass.
There are dick drawings are all over the walls, class, and wherever you can look. There is frequent bullying, and you will learn at least 20 new racial slurs just by being there for an hour. Teachers will let girls do anything they want, guys can’t even go to the bathroom at lunch. Boys bathrooms have actual shit piss and barf on the ground. There is a massive amount of betting, and you get offered drugs almost everyday. The only good people on campus are homeroom teachers.