Schroedinger’s quantum physics - since we dont actually know the exact positions of electrons according to schroedinger, everything in the universe is a chaotic system, and thus all our measurements and calculations are completely wrong, and reality could collapse in an instant
Schroedingers statement - you dont know if the statement is true or not until you verify, and even if you know you dont know if our current knowledge is even correct - think of the farmer analogy: a turkey observes that they are fed each morning at (say) 7am without pause for 364 days. On the 365th he publishes his papers only to find out that this day, the farmers will kill them all for thanksgiving.
Schrodinger’s driver.
Can the guy on the road drive or not? Perhaps he’s mentally ill? Maybe that’s why he’s BLOCKING THE FUCKING ROAD?
schrodingers dog: when you throw the ball at any given instant the dog collapses into a position of being able or unable to fetch it
Notice the also in my original post
And it was absolutely necessary to put a cat in a box with radioactive material
sc▒▓▓▓▓▓: y▒▓▓▓▒n’t kno▒▓▓▒at ▒s beh▒▓▓▒the n▓▓▓▒, ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
I have no clue what you guys are on about but you gotta see this plank
I wonder if I can make a box out of it to put cats in
How will this affect the trout population?
I wonder if I can make a cat out of it and place it in a box
I wonder if I can make a cat out of it and then throw it into the lake to hunt, affecting the local trout population
Schrodinger’s Schrodinger’s cat
“This box may or may not contain Schrödingers cat”
so if I took an infinite amount of Schrödingers Cats in an infinite amount of boxes that means an infinite amount of cats neither died nor lived nor both, but instead escaped. Now not only have we completely ruined the experiment but we’ve also unleashed an infinite amount of cats on the universe all of which are after you for shoving them in boxes waiting for them to die’n’t.
You have little time left.
Good luck.
schrodingers balls: at any given moment a guy will be in a superposition of incredibly ballsy and chicken af, collapsing into being either chicken or ballsy whenever presented with a choice
Ah yes, I completely understood whatever you just said.