Screw who the best PvPer is. Who's the weakest?

Only rule I’m gonna give is that I’m number one worst
don’t try to argue i will pee my pants like a baby to prove my point


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every single new gen


glad to see people being honest



flare how the fuck did you get a photo of me


I don’t count anymore :/

But, we need actual, visual evidence to determine if you’re the worst. So, give us an example.


My K/D ratio is 0:5

Mine is likely much less (blame Misinput), so that’s not enough evidence


i can miss the mino 3 times in a row even if he’s right next to me

i lost to someone who use nothing but placed explosion

i dont fcking know how to block


dude my aim is bad and I get fucked by Mino’s charge 90% of the time and his Axe acts like a heat seeking missile against me and just so happens to hit every time since I’m too much of a fuckwit to know how to dodge. Not to mention I haven’t fought the exiled period.

i lost to a guy who spammed small blast size spells.

I rarely even block and my ping is bad which means I can’t even fucking block if I even wanted to

you’re not worthy of me pissing my booty shorts

my man :frcryin:

how to dodge mino’s axe: literally just jump with good enough timing
(You dont even have to t jump, just jump once or move horizontally to dodge it lol. You’re an AS player though so i guess its fair)

how to dodge rush: be a good distance away. don’t spam 5 shot spells that freeze you in place or be high enough in the air.

Sometimes if im just feeling like an mlg pro i blast in the direction that mino is dashing in and predict where it’ll hit


stop giving me advice I’m proving a point