Scrolls for sale if you're interested

New scrolls
5x Resilient
5x Healing
3x Piercing
Lot of rare scrolls, Spell/Technique
8x Pulsar
2x Surge
1x Uppercut
5x Axe-Slash
1x Selino

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I buy heal

whats your offer

temper scroll

you mean 5 healings for 1 temper?

would you do that lol

you prolly know the answer

so do you

I meant one for one obviously

sure sure hop in ill join you if you make it public

wdym by “make it public”

eh the setting that allow to let people join your experience somethin…

I don’t think that exists

it does, you can actually allow strangers/friends/no one join you in an experience.
and when are we doing the trade…

this is arcane odyssey

you can join anyone you want whenever you want

that’s what the join button is for, you put someone’s username in

aight but are we doing the trade? cuz i gotta leave soon

ok are you in rn

aight join

let’s just do it tomorrow bec school wifi bad rn

ah aight