Sea Curses in Arcane Odyssey

Hehe yeah, just wash the sand off yourself when doing so.

There’s just no way you could balance curses against normal magic users.
You would be much, much more powerful with a curse than other players with none along with being basically invincible to all players who focus on weapons and strength rather than magic (with the exception of stuff like magic weapons and magic fist, but those would most likely scale more with magic than strength anyway).

Oh also I found that while looking for something else

it depends more on the power of the user rather than only the amount of curses

more power = more energy that can violently react to the sea

it’s said that if cursebeard half submerged himself in the ocean he’d implode violently instantly

yes thats true, but it isnt because of his power. Its because of the 4 curses he has. Im 90% certain it was stated in aa like that.

it’s relative to power, not exclusively to having more curses

yes having more curses does mean you’re stronger but it isn’t locked to that

there’s stronger single-curse users than other single-curse users

the only condition to start having the violent reactions with the sea is having one curse, because that magic energy is now one with your soul instead of being invoked via circles, therefore always present on your person

true that, but you said that power matters more than the amount of curses which im 90% certain isnt true.

read again

specifically saying that it matters more than SPECIFICALLY the numerical amount of curses

curses are still power boosts nontheless, point stands

youre literally saying power matters more than the amoutn of curses

never once in the lore is this mentioned. Only the amount of curses reacting with the sea is mentioned. Unless you can prove that im wrong with a screenshot or smth. So no your point doesnt stand since without the curses you wouldnt have the amount of power needed to explode in the sea. The amount of power is an indirect thing.

Yeah that why Trigno and Averill still have their curse until this day… i think ?

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Yeah they still do have theirs since Trigno is still known to have his own during the time of WoM

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I don’t want curses, everything relating to curses is basically lifted directly from One Piece and I want the game to be more original than that.

If I remember correctly, he also gave the metal madition to a guy who saved the sea people 6 or 7 (I don’t remember)

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John Thorne


ok I like this idea but after you get one sea curse you cant just absorb another, you have to absorb the at the exact same time(They said if you were a penta second off it wouldnt work) in order to gain multiple curses.

in the webtoon they say its based off of the power of a curse user not the amount

@anon64436269 cursebeard has the ocean cruse or something and it repels ocean water

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