Sea Curses in Arcane Odyssey

So I don’t know if there are any other posts similar to this already but I wish to discuss the idea that the player will be able to obtain sea curses in AO.

In case you do not know or have not checked the lore recently, it was updated. Full Arcane Lore - مستندات Google

The biggest changes were to the time period that AO will be taking place, so far what we know is that AO will take place on the other side of the world, opposite to where WOM or AA took place, and it will take place one month after the Peacekeeper Destroys Durza. This is significant because the Peacekeeper is still recovering from his fight, he has not yet started hunting down the rest of the Sea curses, this is also significant because neither side of the world has yet to discover the other side, so the events of AA will be unknown to the characters in AO.

Another significant point to be made is the existence of the Curse vaults, which means that we have proof that Curses can be found, and we would have a general idea of where they might be.

What this boils down to is that there is a high chance that they player in AO gains a(if not multiple) Sea curse, whether from stealing it, being bestowed the curse for a service they may do for the owner of the vault, or straight out buying the curse. It is also possible that Sea curses may work similar to how lost/primordial magics were going to work, where you would obtain them, then you can either trade them to other players, or use them yourself.

Another reason that would point towards Sea curses in AO:
The reason for the Peacekeepers ability for growth with his magic is the fact that he was literally created from supercharged magic atoms. It would be really gross for Vetex to use this same excuse for the same growth rate in AO, so it would make sense that the player obtains a Sea Curse, making him far more powerful than most wizards already due to the ease of control over magic that a Sea Curse offers, it is even possible that the player in AO starts the game with a Sea curse instead of magic, and instead of unlocking his mind’s he just obtains additional curses. This would also fix the discrepancy in the fact that while WOM took place far after AA so more was known about magic, and it was possible for people to start with magic such as sand, it wouldn’t make sense for AO to have mutations such as sand available as a starting magic, because magic hasn’t come that far yet, unless the player starts with a sea curse, in which prior ability with magic is not necessary.

I however am not so interested in the balance of the curses, but rather what they would mean for the player of AO and the end of the story. There is a high chance the the Curse will be utilized by the player to destroy the great evil that was eluded to in the lore Document, and after this time there is an extremely high possibility that they would meet the peacekeeper, in his quest to destroy the rest of the Sea curses. To this point I foresee three possible outcomes to the story: Council, Death, and Guilt.

In this ending, the player from AO did not meet the Peacekeeper after he destroyed the great evil, instead he met the player before this great evil was destroyed, the great evil being Hades, he assists the Peacekeeper in destroying Hades, and may or may not join the Peacekeeper in collecting and destroying the rest of the curses, and eventually joins the Magic Council.

The player from AO encounters the Peacekeeper on his journey to destroy the Curses, and is destroyed by the peacekeeper so that their curse may be collected.

My personal favorite, The player from AO encounters the Peacekeeper on his journey to destroy the curses, and destroys the Peacekeeper in defense of his own Curse. With the peacekeepers final breath he would explain to the player his journey in defeating Durza and his quest to destroy the rest of the curses, after the Peacekeeper dies the player would relate the peacekeepers journey to his own, and take on the Peacekeeper’s mantel in guilt of destroying the peacekeeper, and would live out the rest of his life collecting the Sea curses so that the Peacekeeper’s quest may be completed.

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I’d rather have AO be its own thing rather than
bringing back some gimmick from a dead game

It would also make the game easier to digest for newer players for that same reason


Sea Curses are going to exist in AO for the War Kingdoms. The Kingdoms rewards top warriors Curses so it’s very likely we’re gonna fight one

No, It’s not gonna be player accessible because it would make Losts and Primordials pointless, Vetex said it himself

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^ what ethereal said. plus, the peacekeeper is DESTINED to live for all eternity. there’s no dying there. they don’t know each other exists, and the seas are so far apart it’s very unlikely they’ll ever meet.

Magics can be stuff like sand because this half of the world is developing entirely on its own.

I also think curses are just a bad idea for players entirely. Curse users should be the foes with powers so absurd they would be a mountainous hurdle for our character to cross. If we are given a curse, practically making you a God, who would be stronger to be a challenge to us? I also would like to swim.

I like how curses are something great kings can store in vaults to give to their warriors, and this side of the sea has more curse users in wars, but I think a player having one just isnt a good idea.

There’s a quote that goes,

  • “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”.

Logically, a being who is able to create such a high caliber of magic, physical magic in fact, would be stronger than those who possess it.

I agree with players not having a curse though. Lorewise, it’s just not feasible. As for the game itself, the lag would be insane.

curses are cool and something that probably the majority of players would rather have access to
have you thought of the balance implications?

full physical attack immunity (goodbye strength users), flight (which was REMOVED, mind you), no indication for casting (no magic circles)…

would that really be the best idea?

Not to mention that curse users will die instantly upon coming in contact with the sea


it depends on how many curses you have. Im fairly certain a person with only 1 curse wont die immediately

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I’m pretty sure there’s only one curse per each magic type, it wouldn’t make sense for them to be obtained by the thousands of players AO has.
Imagine 2 people have fire magic, they each want a fire curse.
Rupin already has that one.
Say it’s a curse that didn’t appear in AA, such as wood curse.
One player gets it, it wouldn’t make sense for 50 people too.

This thread is interesting. since I remember tech stating that the AO Player will be MUCH stronger than the Peacekeeper. Continue.

Actually that’s a true point, does that mean Cursebeard was the one most likely to die instantly if he touched the sea?

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Hehe, according to something I read about cursebeard, he would explode if like half his body got submerged in seawater.


He can’t even take a warm bath after a long day of island raiding :frpensive:


Cursebeard chilling at a beach till a random kid splashes him with a bucket of seawater.


I do not think they will find in such a case this ending is normal

i dont think the peacemaker kills someone to get his curse i would just recruit him unless he is somebody bad

Same story but worse there is no way that the AO player will defeat the AA player by that point he should have already acquired all the curses of the 7 seas before having the idea of ​​sailing to the open sea so he would have many curses

well yes, but also we saw the new magic circle design. And curses dont require magic circles

Bruh, people bathe in seawater?


You don’t???