Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

What is the previous most popular suggestion

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WE WON! 153!!! Lets GO!

10/10 would vote again

Hey so like, wasn’t there a thing where if a suggestion has over 125-150 votes it becomes guaranteed to be added into the game?

If so… Can’t wait to get some bounty for killing fish bros.

Cant wait to get more reasons to go in the water


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Well then we shall just pray vetex sees this and gives it the thumbs up

That was close

I think blue whale bounty should be increased because of what they can do to your ship

Eh they are more standins than anything else. I’m sure my idea of a fair price for time-put-in is not the same as Vetex’s

They wont even attack you. All they do is self defense

ZAMN 156 votes now

??? they do attack you wdym


Whales are chilling unill some random guy starts attacking them. In this case they defend themself and the smaller one(forgot the name) feeds on other animals so he attacks player instead of ship

I’ve been random attacked by whales before. Just today I was attacked by one at Wind-Row.

Wait, whales can attack you?

have you never had more than 50k renown before?

Whales can also claim your bounty. I reported the glitch but if you get hit by a cachalot whale and then reset while ANYONE on the server is hunting you, it counts as them successfully hunting you.


The whales are notorious bounty hunters. This is better than the glitch in wom where the sea could arrest you though

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