Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

I wish that was the case for my scald buff :frcryin:

Best suggestion in a hot minute. :nod:

Burgundy Britches cooking once again

I love this idea to death. It fits greatly with how Sea Monsters are considered a threat to sailors and it makes them feel more dangerous than just being sharks on Power Elixirs.

This is an amazing suggestion that makes finding and hunting sea monsters a reasonable task instead of an annoyance you stumble across rarely. The rewards are great and it would fit in the game very well. This feels like a feature that should’ve been in the game already.


this got popular so quick lmao

I wanna catching them alive and cooking. Just imagine how tasty would be meal from White eyes, Obolus, Blue Whale and that other bit more agressive whale

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this better get 100 by the end of the month or i’m gonna get mad :angry:

legalize mass poaching

harpoon messiah

This is a fantastic idea! I’ve not gone out and hunted sea monsters much myself, but this would definitely give me the incentive to.

i like this idea but instead of a simple figure head, how about each sea monster provides an entirely unique ship part.

Obulus as a super rare drop, drops a unique Legendary ship lamps which are small versions of its eyestalk which widely illuminate the surrounding area, passively applying a “clearsight 3” effect while within radius.

Poison jaws has a unique “Toxic Ram” drop which Rots ships wood providing a ship scale version of poison.

White Eyes provides “Scale Cannons” which are red in color tone with white orbs on the sides, the cannons reload twice as fast.


More pve content is always good, especially since sea monsters don’t give much stuff right now.

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Rewarding active hunting of sea monsters would be pretty damn nice as someone who personally goes out of their way to hunt them just because.

As a side note to this, I could also imagine some sort of rating being given based on how many sea monsters were currently active (e.g. - Calm → Looming → Treacherous → Disastrous), potentially increasing spawn rate for the day as well based on rating.

I love it, nice suggestion

and nice art too

Crimson stop making good suggestions challenge (impossible)


Yes PLEASE this would be very useful and add to sea monster hunting a lot

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nice way to add immersion and enhance the pve experience

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I didn’t even read the post and I voted.
That’s how good this idea is.
Vetex please make this suggestion real or I will make you drink the grimace shake


theres something i dont get though

sea monsters usually dont leave victims (and/or bystanders) alive, so how can there be ‘injured’ people? a solution can be to replace the ‘injured’ with ‘missing’ since that makes more sense

If a boat is destroyed and the people are left uneaten, they are absolutely going to be injured. In shark attacks in the water, 9/10 times they nibble a human and then just leave as they realize we aren’t food. But remember that is a ‘nibble’ from a shark so, y’know, serious injury. Just a fun science fact I suppose.

Anyway, if a semi truck sized monster started slamming into the boat all kinds of things can happen, you can get tossed around, thrown overboard, struck by objects that go flying, etc. Lots of ways to be injured.

god damn this suggestion blew up

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