Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

It’ll die down soon here. I don’t see it getting much bigger, though I am happy to see it be in the limelight for a little while.

From those injuries you’re likely not able to swim and drown, but since they dident find your body (probably because they can’t dive that deep) they’ll report you as missing

You have a good point though

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Also castwaways could be an explanation for this, they had their ship sunk and were able to make a makeshift raft in hopes that someone might rescue them.


would be sick if we could use white eyes parts as hull armor and rams


This makes me think about the FF16 hunting board
I like it but this also makes me think about the whole monster hunter quest system, maybe instead of rewarding you unique sails, figureheads, and other ship parts you could gain additional materials for crafting. This would then lead to a system where you could craft gear for the player or the ship based on the sea monster, and potentially it could have their own additional bonuses/passives. Alternatively for player gear some parts could double as high quality reagents for jewels.

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I love the idea. It allows people to still use their own attacks and whatnot on sea monsters whilst still being rewarded, although I think there should be higher amounts for lower tier creatures for any higher level players who aren’t the best with luck or hunting; just my personal opinion though.


This actually gives me an incentive to bother fighting sea monsters besides Poison Jaws in the hopes I get that dagger everybody wants, just so I can pawn it off for something I consider to be much more valuable.

Especially if it gives renown. This would be a great way for people who are lacking in PVP skills, or suffer from inopportune lag and input lag (me lmao) from having to deal with little leaderboard shits who kill you twice and threaten to kill you a third time, stealing a total of 20k of your fame because their egos are massively inflated like that (personal gripe, happened to me 2 days ago, I still hate the fucker)

Anyways, my point is:
Finally, a reason to keep playing besides brewing.
Might also keep little leaderboard shitters busy while I just try to find every potion reagent & catalyst and see what I like in brewing


and it expands the pve experience!!! :star_struck:


Maybe doing sea monster bounties could also make it so you’re more likely to get drops from the sea monster too

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Crimsonpants try not to post a great suggestion challenge (Impossible)


This would honestly be so cool to have in game. Especially so due to the dark sea coming which will probably have a slew of new sea monsters!

PvE content > PvP content


Man has cooked :fire: :fire: :fire:

It bangs

sick idea i’d love for this to be ingame, especially when more sea monsters get added later down the line

This is a good suggestion. Very detailed and I especially like when you already provide vetex the models and stuff

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I was bored, so I decided to make a poster of everyones favorite big boi.

With this, I might make a single more poster and try for a mockup of what the bounty board UI might look like.


Love the addition of the rowboat to solidify the scale! Great work! :+1:

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Now make poster for poison jaw

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