Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

1more vote…

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undying suggestion #2


This is great definitely deserves to be added and it should also give renown

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will this become the next top suggestion?
find out next time on arcane forum z

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Due the new special variants of Dark Sea monsters I feel as though only those variations should be counted on the “Dark Sea board”, it makes them more special than just hard to find sea monsters in a dangerous area. Obviously Dark Sea exclusive ones would be exempt from this rule

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me when i get 300 galleons for killing an obolus (it dealt 2000 galleons worth of damage to my ship)

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cant wait for this to get added and me to get my alpha white eyes ship figurehead for spending 2 hours killing a giant white eyes (this is the best suggestion ive seen on the forums if it doesnt get added i will riot)



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We actually got news on the giant sharks, so imo vetex may implement this

It’s so close to being the most voted suggestion

There are two more above that.

Anyway seriously thank you to all of you, I didn’t expect such a simple concept to be so popular.

can you try to draw Alpha white eye if you can do it

I’m no artist, and right now I don’t know how I’d make Alpha White Eyes stand out from regular White Eyes. I have a few ideas but not enough motivation. Maybe in a day or two.

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126 guys, we are tied now. I have to say this deserves its spot

civiliangineer gaming

I think dark sea bounties should be more like “sightings”, with a fixed reward for those who successfully hunt it.
After all, if they’re staying in the dark sea, there’s probably very little recorded activity of them attacking sailors.


I forgot that jail revamp suggestion existed, I wonder if it’ll ever get added

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That’s basically exactly what I had in mind.

How is this suggestion still alive wow

Crimson must’ve really cooked hard here

I cooked a meal made out of cabbage-pult lately, it was tasty! Like me, because the lord of all plants, The Garlic, also known as „The Zombie Grimacer”, gave me a little fraction of his immense power to spike up my tastiness.