Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

alright fellas where’s the dude who is obsessed with AWE so I can ping him?


I think we can all agree this is an amazing idea that should definitely be added

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Thanks to the continued support of all you lovely people, I decided to do something productive in order to expand conversation so this doesn’t overstay its welcome and get shut down.

As such, allow me to show you what I’ve been workin on all morning:

This took WAY longer than it should have lol. I basically had to reconstruct the in game bounty UI from scratch, but I think it came out pretty decent.

Now, what’s not pictured here is two things: One, the ui for clicking on a poster (too burnt right now to make that), and dynamic stats. I tried a bit with the second white eyes, giving it a different cost, but manually rewriting all the feats would have given me a headache beyond what this already did.

Here is the template inserted into a screenshot of the game itself:

What's the Dark Sea Monster stuff about?

So I figured that there will likely, and probably be, sea monsters exclusive to the Dark Sea. And Since the Dark Sea is everchanging, scarcely explored and not a place the average sailor would go, I figured that the bounties there would have to be, by design, different. More in line with ambiguous requests then actual bounties. So these would be more quests to undertake, where it would be far more difficult to actually come across your quarry, and as such, far more rewarding.


I want to kill the random dark-sea monsters.

This can also be part of the PVE Deckhands rework where it goes off PVE feats rather than renown number, like hunting a White Eyes can get you good deckhands

I approve

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He kept cooking and he delivered, thank you. Now all we need is a board

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This gives me the idea of NPC ships that roam around looking for sea monsters in hopes of claiming the bounty of the sea beasts and getting their valuables; maybe call them Leviathan Hunters or something along those lines.

But yeah this shit good, it’d make even Gordan Ramsey proud.

nah lets call them The Witchers

On that, you’d need someone else. 3d modeling and texturing is not my forte.

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honestly crimson’s works always amaze me and he always comes up with the wildest cool shit in his head +1 from me

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I would love to be able to kill an obese obolus in the dark see!

Honestly hope this does make it into the game this is SUPER good

And heck with the following this has gained it’s probable too

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Eh I wouldn’t expect it, though I would appreciate it.


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I think more ship types in general would be nice, but you don’t want to be too confusing to new players who are trying to learn all the ropes. If there are too many icons they might get confused about what ships they can and can’t fight.

I love me some seafood

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we need to keep this topic up fr