Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

This post in undieable!

It’s extremely easy to add a way to sell a specific number and yet he hasnt done it :fr:

Suggestions be like:
10 votes and under: invisible to the V man
50 and under: maybe he dreams about it
100 votes: a slight chance to perhaps stumble upon it
top 3: maybe

In Patreon chat Vetex admitted that he seldom looks at the suggestions here on the forums because right now he cares more about getting Dark Sea/Nimbus Sea stuff done then thinking about more features.

Just gotta have some patience.


That would explain why the vetex’s accepted category has been untouched since WoM.

Although since this is a top suggestion it’ll be very likely he sees it when he looks at suggestions again in 2 years

Oh that makes sense

how many people on the forums are actually active like I wanna know what % of the forums in total voted for this, 136 votes is insane

It’s calmed down so I think thats a sign that most people have voted for it

It’s been a wild ride, I never thought this idea would blow up as much as it did. As thanks, today, I decided to make every poster. That’s right, all remaining posters for all the sea life I had yet to make a poster for.

I want to thank you, all of you, who have shown support and kept this idea alive, and in the spirit of making sure there is constantly fresh discussion of the idea, here you go, the remaining posters:

Whale Posters

Shark Posters

Expect later tonight or tomorrow that I will make a completed bounty poster with every type of monster currently in the game plastered on it.


I got idea for another suggestion if you can do it, how about new sea monster for dark sea only

My idea is not another shark looking sea monster again

Keep it going.

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Its wonderful that its still alive, I hope it will be noticed and added. Its such a cool idea, it would be so much more immersive and fun to hunt sea monsters with this.
Take all my stars.

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144 votes, vetex is bound to see it in a month

nine votes away from being the most voted suggestion ever

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140+? Real shit

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Aha, as promised:

An updated example ui, superimposed over gameplay once more.




this shit deserves to stay up it has to be seen fr!!!

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7 votes remain til this is the most voted suggestion on the forums

there’s no way vet hasn’t seen this topic yet at this point