Ngl this sounds goofy as hell, but free seasonals are free seasonals ya hear
i aint dont care about no seasonal items!!!
let me cook the eggs!!
What if I just wait until selectorch makes a video on how to find every egg
I hope there wont be bunny ears because knowing my friend ill never see the end of it
there will be
at some point
easter bunny girls
i will make a character for that
oh boy time to bring out the baskets
I swear to God if any of those require completing treasure charts I am going to be beyond pissed.
a set of items which are aqcuired by completing 3 treasure charts at each island !! (including frostmill)
if it’s island specific definitely but i doubt it’ll be the cas and charts aren’t too bad
either w/ or w/o charts is fine
I have yet to do any charts. Pet peeve of mine in AO. Even if I did they don’t justify their time spent on them.
you ever use the chart locater? charts usually take 5 seconds to 10 mins at most to find from my experience nowadays ignoring the travel time to get to the islands
( this is not a download btw it looks like this: )
Oh my god!
@mars bunny girls are real
the fact that it’s two items makes me think it actually is bunny ears/tail as the reward
I’m going to guess:
there’s an egg you can dig up from charts, like a 1/10 chance or something else that doesn’t make you not get chests
an egg you randomly find in the sky
an egg you find in whirlpools (hell)
an egg found maybe near the rift or something idk I kinda want a void egg comeback
I hope to god those fabrage eggs of the moon/sun don’t make a reappearance
I feel like the valk will be near the value of a headless